Chapter 5

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Ayat POV~

As I step into the room Adorned with delicate flowers and soft candlelight, a rush of emotions floods my heart.

Tonight marks the beginning of a new chapter in my life. I have never dreamt about it now I feel like I can live in this moment.

"Do you like it?" My husband asks.
"Yes, I love it," I say as I feel his hand on my shoulders.

The room is very modern type with a golden and black theme. The wardrobe has a smooth finish of black and golden marble, it tells me that I am in some kind of mansion.

"If you don't like the design we can change, in fact, we can buy a whole new house together. And you can make it our home as per your liking." His soft voice with a hint of worry reaches my ears.

Turning around and hugging him, "I love this no need to change anything. This is perfect for our home." I say as he returns the embrace.

A call interrupts our moment and he breaks the hug. "I need to take it, change this heavy dress and rest I am coming back in a second." He leaves me in shock. Seriously? I mean I don't accept something tonight but I also didn't expect that my husband would say something like this. I sigh and walk towards the bathroom to change. Since I don't have any energy to go down and carry my suitcase, I'll wear one of his sweatshirts.

Hassan POV~

I can't believe on my wedding night here I am talking to the person I loathe the most. My uncle, the king of our empire.

"Salam hassan" His irritating voice displeases my ears through the phone.
"Salam Omar, qul ma turid qawlah lays ladaya alkathir min alwaqti." I tell him, I don't have enough time for him so he better say whatever shit he has to speak.

"Mashallah Hassan, 'Ant waqah kama kan min 'ayi waqt madaa." Did he call me to just tell me that I am rude? Why is he so irritating and stupid?

"Ealaa 'ayat hali, sa'uwadih lak 'anani lan 'aqul 'iinak tutliq alfatat alati tazawajatha liltuw." He pauses and I can see him smirking, I know him the best, I know all the sins he has committed, I know he can and will do anything. So if he knows about Ayat the same day we got married means he is keeping his eyes on me.

"Wamae dhalika, sayataeayan ealayk alzawaj min abnati alghaliati, fa'ant taerif kam 'uhibuka. tilk alfatat yumkin 'an takun zawjatuk walakini abnati faqat laha alhaqu fi 'an takun malakatuka." This piece of shit. He has the audacity to threaten me?

"Omar, ant taelam 'anani la 'urid hadha alearsha, 'urid faqat 'an 'aeish hayatan basitatan wala 'anwi 'an yakun li eidat zawjat mithlika. wahid yakfi bialnisbat li." Does he think he can scare me with the threat of the throne? I don't even want that.

All I needed was Ayat by my side. I have done a lot of things to marry her. Now when she is my wife he thinks he can make me marry someone else? His wishful thinking.

He has forgotten that I am Hassan Al-Amir. I left the throne to him in charity. The title king belongs to me if I want I can get it, if I don't no one can force it on me.

"Hassan, 'ant taelam 'anak tantami 'iilaa eayilat milkiatin, wa'anak min dima' milkiatin, wala yumkinuk jalb dima' sayiyat 'iilaa sulaltina. lakinak mazilat tafeal dhalika, walan sawf naqbiluha, walakin malikatak la yumkin 'an takun 'iilaa min eayilat milkiat ma." His tone is serious, I know he means it but the problem is he doesn't know me and he never will.

"'Ant ghabiun kama hu alhal dayman, Omar. La tadie waqti fi hadha, ladaya 'awlawiaati wa'ant wabnatuk laysa fi 'ayi makan fi tilk alqayimati." I hang up on him because I don't have much patience left to talk to him. He ruined such a special day of mine.

I open my contact list and message the only person who can deal with this situation. Currently, my job is to protect my wife. I am not stupid enough to underestimate him. He can be an idiot but his ministers ain't.

Find some dirt on Omar Al Amir

White Snake:
Do you finally declare war on your stupid uncle?

Stop being a nuisance, do whatever I am telling you.

White Snake:
I am sad, I thought we were friends so I was waiting for an invitation card but ended up getting none.

As if you would have come and revealed your face to me.

White Snake:
I mean if you had called me I would have come to meet you after all you are my oldest customer.

Stop your drama, I am married now get your ass away from me and do whatever I told you.

Left on seen, I don't get this white snake, no one knows him... Or her. It is assumed that this White Snake is a he. But the way he flirts tells that he is a she.
Whatever the case is this person is the biggest mystery in this world of mysteries.

I take a deep breath and enter our room "Baby," Walking towards the bed I see her using her phone.

"Hello, you done?" She asks me. Her voice is all I need, her presence calms my soul.
Amidst all the chaos of my life, she is the only one who is standing like a wall I can rest on.

Her face and her existence have always given me peace. She doesn't know how much comfort I feel in her. Now she is my wife, my home.

"Yes, I am." Getting into the bed I pull her closer to me. We both are tired I know it. But I need her now. I need her in my arms. I need her close to me.
She hugs me back looking into my eyes.
"You look stressed...what happened?" She asks me her fingers gently touching my face.

"I have seen girls wearing hijab when they fight with their husbands... But we are newly married so why are you covering your head?" I genuinely want to know because I have been waiting for this day and here she is covering her head with a hoodie.

She looks at me as if I have committed a crime... "You asked me to change myself so I thought you wouldn't be interested-" I break the hug resulting in her stopping midday, I look at her with a frown. There is no way she thought it like that.

Grabbing her from her waist I make her sit on my lap and that's when I see she is actually wearing my hoodie. I have so many clothes that I forget about most of them. But this one is the only hoodie I got and it is close to my heart as it is the only thing my mom gifted my dad before she passed away.

"Wow, it suits you," I tell her sliding my hand under them. "But I prefer you nàked right now."

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