Chapter Fifteen: The Phoenix, Risen To Save Her Family!

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"Thunderbird Three, do you read us? This is Phoenix Rising." Madison calls out using EOS to do a wide spectrum blast.

"Mads?" Alan's voice asks.

"You're alive." Madison replies.

"Not for long, our emergency air is running out. We haven't heard from John, where is he?" Jeff asks.

"He's safe. EOS and I had a plan that blasted John to safety before the hit." Madison explains, "Coming up here was a trap."

"You don't say." Gordon replies.

"We're going to space walk over to you guys. We can't bring Phoenix Rising any closer or we'll lose power as well." Scott announces.

"F-A-B." Jeff replies.

"Three of us go. One for each passenger." Madison explains.

"You girls should stay." Virgil tells Madison.

"I'm not staying behind. Everything so far has gone our way because of me." Madison explains.

"She's got a point." Scott replies and Virgil sighs. Virgil was being protective. He'd heard everything as he'd gotten into the room first. He'd heard most of the ending. Madison was carrying his child. He badly wanted to wrap her in his arms and shout it to the stars that the woman he loved was having his child.

Instead, they headed out of Phoenix Rising and used their momentum to space walk - float really - over to Thunderbird Three. Madison reached Thunderbird Three first and she tried the door.

"It's got an emergency no power function." Scott announces and Virgil and him help get the door open. They found Jeff, Alan and Gordon waiting.

"Mads, the hoverboard." Alan states.

"It won't work." Madison explains.

"It works on solar power." Alan announces. Madison looks at Alan. The sun was on their side of the planet, beaming down onto Thunderbird Three.

"And why isn't Thunderbird Three?" Madison asks.

"Yeah, that's a long story." Alan replies. Madison takes the hoverboard and she and Jeff headed away. Madison gets back to Phoenix Rising.

"One down, three to go." Madison announces.

"Mads, incoming projectile!" Halley yells out and Madison turns to head back when a sudden blast hits Thunderbird Three's ion thruster, and Thunderbird Three is sent into a spin. Madison's eyes widened in shock. Madison gets angry.

"EOS! Take over all global communications!" Madison yells.

"You're live." EOS states after a few moments.

"People of the world, International Rescue is under attack from a threat from both worlds. A man named Theodore and his secret Organization, Technological Advancement Deliverers, or TAD, wants to use International Rescue to benefit himself and the highest paying customers. While TAD might be an Organization that was created in this world after International Rescue arrived, Theodore is from their world. A product of a writer's dream to have a loving child for one of her characters... but Theodore became corrupted, so he set his sights on destroying International Rescue. I have one thing to say, Theodore..." Madison begins, before continuing while she races to Thunderbird Three to make sure the others are okay, "From what I gathered from everything you'd spoken to me about. All you've ever wanted was your mother's love... Hate me all you want, because at the end of the day, I'm okay with that! I've been hated! I've been seen as a waste of space, stupid and shouldn't even exist and oftentimes I felt like I wanted to die. But I have a family, a family you know that they look at me and I'm not any of those things. I'm loved and I'm enough. I don't know what the future holds... but it'll be better this time. I'll be better because I am better."

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