Chapter Seven: Making History!

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{AN: I call it the Thunderbird-XL, but it's actually the Zero-XL. I call it Thunderbird-XL because of the Thunderbirds attached to it!}


"There's really nothing wrong, I promise. Alan." Madison exclaims.

"Everything's good!" Brains acknowledges.

"Alan! Punch it!" Scott orders and Alan fires the thrusters and then they launch.

[Thunderbird Shadow]

Kayo watches all the Thunderbirds launch when ordered. The platform crashes into the sea just as Kayo flings the Chaos Cruiser.

"Good luck, boys, Madison." Kayo exclaims and she looks around for the Chaos Cruiser, "I'm not seeing any wreckage from the Chaos Cruiser. They must have gone under."

"There's nothing more you can do, Kayo." Grandma Tracy explains, "Get back to the island."

[Tracy Island]

"We'll continue monitoring from this station." Grandma Tracy continues. Amaya, Brena and Halley stand together. August walks over.

"Phase one, get the group to space is completed. Time for Phase Two." Brena explains.

"Nice flying skills, Kayo." August states.

"Welcome to Tracy Island, August." Grandma Tracy explains.

"Thanks." August explains.

"Parker and I are heading to look for the Chaos Crew in FAB ONE like we did in the show." Penelope explains.

"You know that they can't be trusted." Fermat explains.

"That may be true. But International Rescue doesn't pick and choose who we help." Grandma Tracy explains.

[Thunderbird Five]

John floats to the part that was going to connect to the Zero-XL. He gets radioed by the others.

"Thunderbird Five, we're on approach to your position." Scott explains.

"F-A-B, standing by for final assembly to the Zero-XL." John explains. Thunderbird Five connects and everyone looks at John when he joins them in the control area.


"Assembly complete. All five Thunderbirds are Locked in." John explains.

"Let's hope they stay that way." Gordon explains.

"Gordon, they will. Trust me." Madison states.

"Okay, I believe that." Gordon says with a smile.

"Impulse engines are offline. Brains? It's all you." Alan explains.

"Initiating T-Drive Engine Start-up sequence. Charge couplers at full capacity." Brains explains, "Energy fields are stable. Fermat?"

"Readings are looking good." Fermat replies.

"I see an EM Flutter." Brains explains.

"It's within normal parameters." Fermat explains.

"Well, Brains?" Scott asks.

"We're ready." Brains announces.

"Start the countdown." Scott explains.

"Hold your horses, young man!" Grandma Tracy exclaims, "I have something I want to say before you go."

"I saw that coming." Madison explains.

"All of you have worked very hard for this. And what you're doing takes more than guts." Grandma Tracy explains, "It takes hope and determination and it takes love. We all love your father and we all want him home. But you need to know that no matter what happens out there, no matter what you find, I'm proud of you. We're all proud of you. Now go bring my boy home."

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