We got our seats as soon as Clove and Glimmer joined us again. Our seats are in the middle of the stands. It's Gale, Johanna, me, Annie, Marvel, Glimmer, Clove, Ian, Loki, Thresh, Peeta, Katniss, Prim, Rue, and Kay. Wow, there are a lot of us. Whatever. The game starts. In the first half, the jabberjays scored two touchdowns. We got a field goal. When it's halftime we all just stay in our seats.

     "Does anyone want food?" Peeta asks.

    "Duh," Johanna and I say.

   "Ok, I'll go get you guys some 'cause I want some too," Peeta says. He gets up. Katniss grabs his hand. He turns around.

   Katniss says, "I'm coming with you. Those Jabberyjay kids are dangerous."

   "Ok, let's go before everything good gets sold out," Peeta says. Katniss and him maneuver passed everyone and go down to the food stands.

   "I hope we don't lose. We always lose homecoming games," I say. Literally almost every year except last year we have lost. I don't know if it's a coincidence or not, but last year was the first year Cato got on the team. He is a really good player. For some reason Cato isn't playing. I'm not even sure he is even here.

   "We're losing because Cato isn't playing," Clove says.

   "Not necessarily true," Johanna says.

   "Really?" Clove challenges.

   "It's not like Cato carries the team," Johanna says.

   "Yeah he does. We have lost a majority of the games without him. Last year was the first time in twenty years that we made it to the championship and the first time in history that we won it. That was also the year Cato started playing. I don't think that's a coincidence," Clove says.

   "Why are you defending the guy you claim is your sworn enemy?" Johanna challenges now.

   "I'm not I'm defending the team. Why do you hate me so much?" Clove asks randomly.

   "Because you hate me," Johanna says. Well that's a valid reason.

   "I only 'hate' you because we were literally the only person here that didn't give me even a little bit of sympathy. Even Marvel--who we all know is still loyal to Cato and pretty much always well be--gave me some sign that he feels bad. Of course I'm going to hate someone that has been a bitch to me for six years!" Clove is now yelling. Some kids from the surrounding areas are looking at us.

   "I haven't been a bitch to you, you've been a bitch to me!" Johanna yells back. Johanna gets up and goes over to Clove. She pulls her hand back and forms a fist. She punches Clove in the jaw. Clove is about to fight back when I step in and drag Johanna away from Clove. "Don't touch me!" She shakes me off and goes down the bleachers. Gale goes after her. Clove grabs Glimmer's wrist and drags her down the bleachers. Marvel, Ian, and Loki all follow them. Now it's Annie, Thresh, Kay, Rue, and Prim.

   "Why don't we go and find Katniss and Peeta?" Prim says Kay and Rue.

   "Sure," Rue says. "Thresh, come with." Thresh nods and they all go off the bleachers.

   "Now it's just you and me," Annie says.

   "Yep," I say. I pull Annie onto my lap and starts to kiss her.

Katniss POV:

     Peeta and I start to walk back to the bleachers when I see Gale pull Johanna onto his car. They start making out. OMG!!!!! I start smacking Peeta. "Peeta, Peeta, Peeta, Peeta!!!!!"

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