6. Peak of The Ashmount

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If not for Dian's shield automatic function coming to the rescue, the boy would have died immediately upon coming into contact with the surface then have the building squash him under its weight before crashing into many wooden pieces. What would normally be a fatal injury back on Earth had been reduced to a mere back breaking one, which is a miraculous level feat. Still, that doesn't change the fact that Zahndis had humbled him down to earth.

Dian then crawled out of the rubble until his legs got stuck "Wh-why didn't you warn me about that one? Hell, why didn't you help me more throughout this entire ordeal? Can't you even help me fly if you wanted to?"

"Would doing any of that help you in the long run though? Even your cute little daughter knows that would just make anyone spoiled~"

"But there's no length I could run through at all if I die! No future for you to invest in. Ah, forget it, I should've known that you just don't care."

"That is not true at all, I do care about you. I just know what's the best path forward for all of us, and that is for you to learn in the harshest yet effective way, Papa."

"You're still going on with that father-daughter charade despite everything, huh? You really are just playing me like a doll."

"Again, that is completely false. My feelings for you are anything but fiction, they are just hidden behind layers upon layers of complexities. I'm sure you of all people should understand that well. Anyway, as a parent, you should know it would be better to just play along with me."

"... There's no winning against you, why did I even bother." Dian said exasperatedly as he raised a giant fist out of the ground to move all the debris from him instead of just a boring mound of dirt, wanting to be more creative with his power.

Dian then stood up from his compromised position and dusted off his clothes, until he felt a surge of bloodlust that needs no warning, sharp enough that it stabbed the back of his neck like a dagger. He doesn't even need to turn his head backwards to know that he should start running from the source of that intense emotion, Zahndis. The boy just instantly bolted in an adrenaline infused run into the forest nearby, hoping that it will shelter him better than this open field of grass.

It's too bad that Dian detected many movements in the tall grass that surrounds him, belonging to the guards that were positioned there to intercept him in case he managed to get out of the village, a wise decision on Lezroz's part. Zahndis might know more about the ways to handle an Alterealist, but overall Lezroz is still the better warrior and leader. That's why the soldiers he trained managed to surround Dian so quickly and stealthily.

"Like hell I'd let you bastards surround me again!" Shouted Dian as he instinctively swung his hands like a sword to the side, unleashing a blade of wind in a ring shape that cuts the grass hiding his enemies.

"Disperse! Get some distance away from him!" Ordered a woman to her group of about a dozen of people, as if Dian ever intended to hurt them.

"That was surprisingly good control from you, but why didn't you just cleave them along with the grass? Make the ground soak in the blood you spilled, and let the grass grow from it."

"Because I'm not a psycho like you, duh!"

"Hm, is that so? Sounds boring. Then I wonder where I got this trait from if it's not from you."

Disregarding her insistence on some bizarre parent-child roleplay, Dian got a stroke of brilliance to quicken his pace by creating a sort of windshield in front of him to reduce the air resistance he faces, in addition to the gravity manipulation he still had on from before. The trinity of adrenaline, windshield, and gravitational manipulation worked together in a perfect system to give him a jump ahead of his opponents, passing most of them like a flurry of wind.

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