4. Revastation

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After the catastrophic blast that wrecked the village into shambles and even reduced some of the villagers into shambling, Zahndis was one of the few who still managed to stand tall, and even the only one who is unaffected by the wrath of the Abominable Spawn that is the boy at the center of the blast area. Unfortunately, the man is the strongest fighter in this Godforsaken place even if he is no warrior, while these people are born and grown to be one. An inevitable reality when they are compared to someone in the likes of him, a Realter who awakened to his powers by himself, not artificially shaped to be one like these Altered. As a bloodline of half baked Realters, they don't even have half of the abilities he has, a sad but undeniable truth.

This is why he was sent here by the Ascendants of Shalraon, specifically his birthplace the Taxariz city where he was raised into an adult and eventually an Ascendant One, worthy of elevating Her name not just through the words of a Prealtor but also the actions of a Materealist. However, Zahndis still does not identify as a warrior, only a protector of the people at best. No matter what his family wanted of him, he does not have the essence of a warrior, and wouldn't force himself down that road. So instead they put him down here instead for decades despite him already being his own man, which clearly doesn't mean anything in the face of the famed Arthalgea family.

That is why he wad forced to abandon that name, then pick up the Lavarcskal's instead.

As he walked around to aid some of the villagers recover from the effects of the explosion, Zahndis gazed upon the ruins of the village he helped build for a bit more than a half of his forty three years of life, and yet all of that is destroyed in the matter of seconds, the houses and facilities either swallowed by flames or bent into unrecognizable weird shapes. A scene Realized into life from the Book of Paths about the horrors of the Abominable Ones, and yet this is still nothing compared to Ascendant Goddess Shalraon's battle against Ophélie the Abominable Goddess. This level of destruction is nothing but a drop in the sea compared to the world scale impact of their clash, which was enough to alter the entire map of this continent once known as Vehnemdriq in a flash. Splitting it into the two islands of Freraigh and Zehnleq, and twisted some of its part into the eternal Warplands.

Caught between the affairs of gods, this is the reality this world fought.

"It's horrible, the things that creature is capable of! He fended off our assault with just one move! Even the Book of Paths never described one like this!"

"Yes, he is definitely a unique one... Like a further evolution of them, as if they weren't bad enough already. I didn't take unexpected situations like this into account, I'm sorry for failing all of you."

Lezroz then walked over to his back, pulling out a large splinter of wood from his left shoulder "No, this is none of our fault. We have followed the procedures given by the Temple Itself, and even then you still made sure to not only improve on it, but also be at the spearhead. That Abomination is simply beyond our understanding, as is common with his kind."

"I-I agree with uncle Lezroz, Prealtor Zahndis! It's not our fault, but his!"

"Thank you, Yolif. You were brave earlier, although unfortunately one arrow is far from enough to even scratch him. Now let's just focus on recovering, and continue our assault. He might be a formidable enemy, but even that must have took out a lot from him. We should bury his coffin for good."

Such devastation should only ever come from the Goddess Herself, but instead the ruin and chaos he has bare witness to just now came from that abominable Alterealist kid that invaded this village out of nowhere.This is not even a part of the punishment these people deserved, but just some purposeless destruction brought by an unrighteous villain. These people only existed just for the sole purpose of eliminating the Alterealists down to their root, and yet one single outlier is what it takes to deny them of that. He can understand that feeling.

Sure, Zahndis was raised to become a fine noblemen befitting of his previous family's lineage, yet it all means nothing as he has no respect for honor found in a battlefield. Although, the man sometimes wonder if his current life is any better, as even if most of the time he only preaches the Paths, he does lead their fight against outside threats like bandits, beasts, or once in a while the Abominations that has crawled out of their hellholes. He does have more freedom to do as he will, however the fact that he almost needs to teach these people combat from the ground up makes it seem as if he only took up more duty. Something he would end up doing anyway if he followed his family's order to fight the war against the Descendants of Ophélie, and their crazed teachings of Otherworlder superiority.

There's so much craziness in this world where reality is as fragile as an individual's whims, and as the sane one he must slowly but surely rid the world of them, even if that means being corrupted by insanity himself. It's like being a chess piece on the board, moved by the wills of people beyond him no matter where he goes. However, at least he still got to be the king, someone important enough that his fall would bring everyone else to die with him. That's an apt description for his relationship with this people, as they might just be eradicated from this era if they don't proof useful to the Kingdom.

In the end, Zahndis was forced to fit the mold of a warrior, even if it means letting a patch of mold grows and gnaws on his very soul. The fact that his self-image was more in line with books rather than swords is irrelevant, as they don't care even if the forging fire would burn the pages that made him who he is. Faced with such an overwhelming force, he is but a dog tightly leashed with a chain, held by iron fists fit for a ruler. But now that this sentient natural disaster has descended upon this world, the time has come for the beast inside him to be unshackled, the wolf that bares its fangs on these Abominable Gods.

"Gather all the ones who have recovered, we'll end this tonight. We shall not let our first prey free, and consequently fail our first real call of duty. We've already fought so many battles to get this far, we just have to cross the final distance. Claim your freedom with your own hands!"

"Yes, Prealtor! We won't disappoint." Said the man as he crossed his machete to his chest with the edge on his neck, their traditional show of respect. Lezroz's left shoulder has nearly healed completely, as his strong healing factor is one of the things that made him fit for leadership.

"I will keep him occupied for a while, so you can-"

All of a sudden, the air within this area then gets drawn into the center of the crater that thing stood in, something that becomes progressively faster as time went on. Whatever that boy is doing now doesn't seem good, however they would do whatever they can to take him down, chase him down to the hell he belongs in if they have to. Zahndis will tear him limb from limb while he is still mortal, nothing more than a fledgling god.

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