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So I went through my first chapter, and changed a lot of things about it....

So can you guys, please go and re read it, cause I've dropped massive hints and clues for the coming chapter and if you don't wanna be hella, confused,please re read it...

Also I'm sorry, I've not updated, working on that..

And please, if you see errors, please kindly, emphasis on kindly!!, draw my attention to it, I might be a seasoned reader but not an author, my first work, so guys help me out with this, please....

Also your thoughts and theories matter a lot, a refer DMed me and told me what they thought about it and honestly it helped me linked something's together...

It also might give birth to the next chapter...

So please comments and vote....

Also, Happy Women's day to all women and Happy mothers day to all mothers, you guys are the best....

Thank you all so much

I love you all so much, byeee😍😘😍👋👋👋

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