"And he was cursed by gypsies? Wow. Here I was thinking he was your average Dracula,"

"Don't get Wesley started," she warned me, glancing over at Wesley who looked as if he were about to comment something.

"I wasn't going to!"

"You wanted to," Cordelia replied.

"So this Angelus...thing. It can like, come back? He can go all evil again?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yeah. But that'd be really bad, cos we don't have Willow and the last time we tried to do that Buffy had to kill him and it was all kinda Romeo and Juliet except she didn't kill herself she just ran away and was all super depressed for weeks on end,"

"Who's Willow?"

Cordelia sighed.

"One of Buffy's friends. I went to elementary and middle school with her and Xander, who I dated for a while. But now he's dating this ex-demon chick Anya," she explained, her tone somewhat bitter.

"And she can like...make people not evil?"

"She's a witch. You'd like her. She's got red hair and dated a werewolf,"

I smiled weakly.

"Sounds like my kind of person," I teased and she rolled her eyes.

"But like, we digress. Whoever this Emiel guy is, he's bad news," Cordelia spoke and both Wesley and I nodded in agreement.

"Do you think he's the one who killed Emmeline?" I asked.

"Not if he's a vampire. I'm still rightly convinced it was a grull demon, you know," Wesley replied.

"Oh really? You've only told us...five million times," Cordelia spoke and he rolled his eyes.

"Well how does he know?" I asked.

"You know, we could figure this all out a lot better if Angel was here to help us!" Cordelia commented obnoxiously, her voice growing louder towards the end of the statement.

"I'm working here, Cordelia," Angel called back.

Cordelia stood and swung open the door to his office.

"Well so are we,"

Angel sighed.

"I don't know why he called us. He wants to meet in the same alleyway that you met Andrew in," he spoke, looking at me.

There was a beat of silence in the room.

"Who is this guy?" I asked aloud, my voice barely above a whisper.

"I think we should find out,"


"Tell me again why this is a good idea?" Cordelia hissed, the four of us walking through the streets of LA at night.

"Quiet, Cordelia. You're going to get us killed," Wesley replied, clearly nervous.

"Not if I have any say in that," Angel spoke.

"Me too," I added, clicking the safety off on my gun, concealed inside my coat pocket.

"Keep it on," Angel told me, not even looking back.

"Why? I want to help," I protested.

"You will. Just not yet. If this guy's a vampire, I'm the only one of us who stands a chance," he replied.

"Oh please. Like you didn't get beaten up every day back in Sunnydale. Buffy kicked your ass big time," Cordelia complained.

"Quiet Cordelia,"

She rolled her eyes, following Angel into the alley.

The air seemed to thicken around me, anxiety setting in.


You need to breathe.

Oxygen is key.

Calm is key.

Be calm.

Don't think about the vampire standing right in front of you.


"Vampire right in front of us!" I hissed, nodding ahead to where a man stood.

"Angelus. I see you've brought friends," the man spoke smugly.

"It's Angel. And I see you haven't," Angel replied coolly.

The man laughed.

"We don't really know each other do we? Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Emiel. There is no second name. That's for amateurs,"

My eyes narrowed immediately as he stepped into the moonlight.

"You know, its not safe here for people like you. Little girls, fresh out of college...all alone,"

I glared at him, removing the gun from my pocket.

"Think again, buddy,"

"That won't kill me. And besides, I don't think that's what you want anyway," Emiel told us.

"Why not?" Wesley asked.

"I know stuff," he reasoned.

"Don't we all?" Angel spoke, his voice hard and Emiel smiled.

"Not the important stuff,"

(A/N: Hehehehe- Emiel was so fun to write :))) Stay safe and totally tubular and I'll see you all in the next one! Tysm for voting and supporting my storyyy xx)

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