part 5

314 9 3

Leah's POV



I need a plan 

what happens if they find me. They'll actually kill me. I mean they were most likely planning on killing me before but like still what do I do.

I'm pacing my room. I just got home from the cafe. while I was their I had this unsettling feeling that I was being watched. I could have swore I saw the twins staring at me as I walked home. This anxiety is actually killing me. What if I need to move, I don't want to move again I just started making friends. But I need to stay safe.

Fuck why did I Have to go make friends. I never had them before why do I need them now. Their just fun to be around I guess. I mean Damien and Sebastian are silly fucking gooses that know how to get down in the club. And Lacy and Mercy are hot as fuck.

I decide to do what every mentally unstable person does when in an anxiety crisis like I am. Go to sally's and get some hair dye. If I color my hair maybe that will appease my anxiety of being caught. 

I don't have a car yet so I decide to walk . My grey hoodie that I stole from Walmart. I don't condone stealing........from small businesses if its a big corporation don't get caught. My baggy jeans and holed up converse carry me down the stair of my apartment building. As I pad my way down the street to sally's I feel it again. I'm being watched but when I look around I don't see anyone so I hasten my pace.

Once I get into Sally's I feel safe. Sally's has slowly turned into into my safe place. I feel like JD from heathers when he's in a seven eleven. Except I'm not clinically insane. I mean at least I don't think I am.

I'm lost in my own thoughts when I bump into someone and land flat on my ass.

"Well I'm sorry darlin I didn't see you their".

I know that voice where do I know that voice from. Fuck that's Mercy hot ass man. A FINE specimen.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't see you I was just lost in my thoughts. I'm trying to figure out where everything is. This is a different lay out than my Sally's in my home town has."

"Your good darlin" he smiles down at me "You doin the try not have a mental breakdown, breakdown hair  dye sess." 

I nod in response. 

"Mind if I join you, I kinda need that kind of TLC too" hope in his eyes.

I contemplate for a minute. I mean I was literally just complaining about how I shouldn't be making any friends. But his smile. OH MY GOD his smile.

"Yeth you can come"

He gets this glint in his eye I don't know what this glint means but I'm lowkey interested. 

We check out and get back to my apartment and start doing our thing. His hands are fucking magic. I mean he like got all the right spots that I always miss on the  back of my head. also A fucking scalp message.

Were Just finishing up when he gets a call and walks over to the other room. I admire my freshly purple hair. 

They return after like 10 minuets.

"Go pick out your sluttiest outfit were going to the club"

I hesitate.

"Um, the club isn't really my sce-"

"Don't care your going" he cut me off the bitch cut me off. He's giving me this look like try me bitch and as much as I want to. The club kinda sounds like fun anyway.

"fine I respond rolling my eyes" and he pumps his fist.

"Great I have a dress laid out for you go change" This damn bitch went through my damn closet and chose the skimpiest dress ever. But like I've never worn it. I guess its time to break in the damn thing.



Its been a little bit. sorry about that I've been swamped with homework.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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