Chapter 1

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Leah's pov


The sound of the heart monitor was the furthest sound from me as I stared at a lady dressed in white she had beautiful long black hair her skin was so pale almost as if I could see through her. "Runaway, Runaway, Runaway" she kept saying. 

My brows furrowed "Runaway from who", I spoke. As I spoke my words echoed around.

"Runaway from them" her words were so clear I still didn't know who I was supposed to run away from. Until images of people flashed in front of my face everyone I knew was in the montage in front of me. My brothers Xander, Lucas, Ryder, Jackson, Ryan. My cousins Tony, Liam, Leo, Richard, James, and Alex. Finally the love of my life Ace.

"W-what no I can't leave them they're my family. What happens if I don't leave them?" I questioned the person in front of me.

She Stared into my eyes her eyes turning solid black "Death, Death..." the word death repeated even after she faded away. Suddenly the beeping sound became louder and louder until my eyes finally shot open it was dark. The room smelled sanitized and it was all white knowing I was in the hospital wing at the base I knew that any second my brothers, cousins, or even ace would bust in the room.

As if right on queue all twelve of them busted into the room I'm surprised that they didn't break down the door. "Oh MY FUCKING GOD YOUR AWAKE" Ryan yelled.

"HaHa yea I am" my voice came out hoarse from the lack of water but I still responded to act like everything was fine while I was secretly planning away I can escape from them. Ace came up to me crying and hugged me it was the tightest hug I have ever experienced.

"Omg I thought you were going to die, love, I can't believe it's been 3 months of you just laying there and not moving I love you so much." He said into my neck I hugged him back mumbling a quick I love you.

After an hour of them talking and catching me up on what has happened in the world, They all finally left to let me rest little do they know that I wasn't asleep I was plotting my plan of escape. But I did eventually fall asleep.


Hey guys I know its a shorter chapter but please leave a comment on how it was

love you guys

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