chapter 4

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Trigger warning (mention of drugs and usage)

Leah Pov

I got to my apartment after somehow dropping off my new acquaintances at their house because they are blackout drunk. Once I reached I started thinking about how I'm never going to drink in my life because I don't want to end up like my stepdad. Weed on the other hand I have dabbled in a couple..... hundred times. 

I start getting ready for bed and doing my basic ass night routine when I hear a buzz from my nightstand it's from Sebastian. He sent me an address of a quiet little cafe on the edge of town and said to meet them there at 12 because even through his drunkenness he knew that they were going to have a major hangover tomorrow. I said okay and I fell asleep.

The next day I got up and drove over to the cafe. I walked in to sit at a table but instead got distracted by stunning people sitting in the corner by a window. the person on the left had eyes of honey and had black hair in a wolf cut with curtain bangs and the underside of their hair was dyed. The person on the right had bright green curls looking soft, Their eyes as dark as the night sky, and an adoring smile as they talked to the other one.

I was knocked out of my daze when I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder. I stood at attention waiting to be attacked. But I relaxed when I saw it was Damien. Sebastian followed my line of sight and saw the two people and ended up elbowing Damien in their side and pointed at them.

A small squeal left his mouth as he looped his arm with mine and pulled me toward the table they were sitting at. 

"Hi Lacey," Sebastian said while Damien frantically waved. They nodded in response with a small smile on their face while scanning the couple over. Their eyes changed when they got to me at first they had curiosity in them but that changed to a little bit of recognition but the type of recognition someone has when they see someone they know but don't know where from. 

"This is Mia she just moved to town and we've been showing them around," Damien spoke. 

"Nice to meet you" I all but whispered getting slightly flustered by the two gorgeous people staring at me.

" Hey I'm Lacy ," They spoke with a slight smirk on their face making me turn even more red.

"I'm Mercy nice to meet you, darling," They said in a mischievous way as if knowing that I was being flustered by the both of them. "Please take a seat, join us."

Both Damien and Sebastian sat next to Mercy so I was stuck in the corner by Nicole.

POV Lacy and Mercy before meeting Leah

The sound of Mercy talking beside her while walking to her favorite cafe enter her ears. His laugh was intoxicating as he was talking about some random thing making her let out a slight laugh.

Once they got there she reached out for the door being stopped by Mercy grabbing it before her, with a huge grin on their face.

"Ladies first," Doing a slight bow in the process.

A giggle escaped her mouth "why thank you," she said curtseying before she walked in and went to the front counter Rio following after.

"Hello, how may I help you?" The lady at the front counter said.

"Hi, can I get an infused Redbull with a slice of red velvet cake," Slightly shoving Mercy so he would say what he wanted?

"Oh right uh I'll have a strawberry hibiscus iced tea please," the lady smiled and nodded tapping away on the screen.

"That'll be 10.58" She nodded and swiped her card

"Your order will be out in a couple of minutes" the lady handed them a number thing

"Alright thank you!"She said smiling and walking off to her favorite seat at the very back and corner of the cafe near a window that has many plants hanging around it, the table itself being beautiful cedarwood.

"Woah, " Mercy exclaimed as he was being dragged to the table. Then sitting on the far left right by the window with Nicole sitting right across to him.

"I can see why this place is your favorite," he said looking around amazed at the plants softly touching a few. She immediately grinned.

"Yeah when I'm stressed or just wanna get out of the mansion I turn everything off and come here" she spoke softly seeing how amazed Rio was with a soft look overtaking her features.

The light from the window makes them shine their bright green curly hair looking soft and ready to just run your fingers through, and their dark brown eyes glimmering in the light looking playful and full of joy. His dark skin practically glowing because of the light. He turned his head noticing her staring and grinned his eyes turning crescent-shaped. Her face feeling flushed due to her getting caught staring she immediately turned her head.

"Aww, are you getting flustered?" Mercy teased.

"No, I'm not why would I be?" She said trying to defend herself. Just as she finished her sentence a lady came a brought them their drinks leaving after with a smile.

"Mmmmm it's so good!" Mercy moaned after taking a sip of their drink.

"Wait can I try?" She asked reaching over to take a sip. Rio gave tea over. 

Mercy suddenly felt eyes watching them and slightly kicked Lacy in the shin giving her the look that says we're being watched describe them.


Hey guys sorry, it's taken me so long to upload a new chapter I'm a little mentally unstable lol.

anyway, I want to thank you all for reading and thank one of my partners for helping me write this. have a wonderful day





Leah's pov

I ended up at my apartment after somehow driving my new very drunk acquaintances back to theirs. I will always be the designated driver of my friend groups because I obviously don't drink. The fear of turning into my stepdad while drunk has always gotten to me so I have never had a sip of alcohol in my life. Weed on the other hand I have dabbled in a couple (maybe more) times but that's beside the point.

I start getting ready for bed I'm doing my whole nighttime routine and shit when I get a message on my phone 

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