Chapter 13

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I woke up and surprisingly i didn't have a nightmare. I try to get in but something holds me down, I look behind me and kellin is holding tight. I follow his arms down and my face drains. He has my shirt raised and is rubbing circles into my cuts but he's still asleep. I remove his hand and he groans scaring me.

"Vic! Vic." I opened my eyes and had a horrible headache.

"Jesus you scared the shit out of me." He hugged me.

"Kellin please let go I can't breath."

"S-sorry I-I thought I lost you." He cried.

"You didn't lose me." I sat up.

"Can you get me something for my headache?"

I didn't know how to explain to him what was on my hip, maybe it was just something he accidentally did while sleeping or he found them either way I was scared.

"Here you go." He handed me a couple of pills, and a glass of water.

"Thank you." I mumbled swollowing the pills alone.



"Can I see them?"

"P-please V-Vic I'll do anything." I looked over him, he needs to eat.

"Eat for me." His face dropped.

"Anything else."

"No kellin."

"V-Vic please."

"No I don't want you to see them."

"I'll eat, if I can see them."

"Eat one samwhich and I'll let you see one."

"Okay, come on." He helped me off the floor

I felt bad for making him eat like that but I didn't want to show him, I expected him to say no and leave it alone. We finished making his samwhich and he took a bite I could tell he hated it.

"Okay." I sighed taking it from him.

"I did my part, now please let me see."

I pulled up my shirt a little showing my hips, I didn't have that many on my hips because I had them hidden on my ribs. I dont plan on showing him them anytime soon.

"C-can I?" He asked moving his hand toward me.

I nodded at him and he touched them.

He looked up at me "I-I know there more than this."

"It doesn't matter, I showed you these." I pushed my shirt back down and walked away. I hated showing him what I do to myself, I hate doing it to myself but I end up loving it in the heat of the moment.

"Vic!" He yelled

"What?" I stopped and looked at him.

"I know you need help, and so do I. We can help each other, please Vic. I don't wanna lose you, and you don't wanna lose me. P-please let me help you."

"I'm fine, I promise kells. I'm okay I really am, I don't know why I do it I really dont. I'm not suicidal anymore and I don't think I'm depressed I just I don't know." I sighed.

"You not okay, this isn't okay. No of this is okay Vic, no of it. I don't lost my mom, my sister, my dad, and I'll be damn if I lose you. Please Vic, please." He cried.

"I promise." I kissed him softly

"I'm fine." I smiled.

"This is not fine." He lifted my shirt, he lend in and kissed the scars.

"Its fine, I'm trying to stop I promise and I'm fine its fine I'm fine. I'm okay I really am kells."

"I'll try to eat, I'll try to get better. I promise, I want us both to get better."

"I'm going to need to go home soon." I looked back and forth between his eyes.

"Okay." He looked down.

"I've been gone for days." I lifted his chin.

"Maybe you could stay with me a couple days, or until her funeral?"

"You won't be, just come stay with me a while."

"V-Vic I'm sorry. I-I'm gonna stay here, spend some more time in this house, before I lose it."

"Okay." I got my stuff together and kissed his cheek.

"Goodbye Vic." He whispered

The walk home was long and boring, when I got home mom wasn't even here.


"In the kitchen big bro!" He yelled.

"Hey." I sat on the counter

"Is everything okay?" He asked. He had a sandwich stuffing his mouth.

"Yea, I just figured it was time to come home. Why do I miss him already?" I rubbed my head into my hands.

"You miss him, because you fell in love with him. You won't admit that to yourself." He rubbed my back with his free hand.

"Were just friends."

"Don't you see he wants to be more than just friend. I know you feel the same way, I can tell it."

"I don't know mike."

"Just think about Vic."

"How could he like me though, I'm fucked up. Like really fucked up more than you could imagine." I messed with the sleeves of my sweatshirt

"Something the broken even needs to be fix." He said, walking out of the room.

"Kellin I'm sorry please." I pleaded with the blue eyed boy.

"No Vic, you broke my promise." He grabbed the knife and jabbed it into my arm cutting deep causing me to scream out.

"Please I didn't mean to!" Blood oucing out of my arm.

"LIAR!" He jabbed the other arm.

"Please kells." He looked so evil, his eyes now black and a devilish grin on his face.

"To bad Victor you didn't listen to me." He smerked and plunged the knife into my heart smiling as I slowly bleed out.

"I love you." I managed to spit out.

"I hate you, I hope you die." He smiled.

I woke up with blood all over me, my nails deep into my arms. I haven't had a night terror since I slept with kellin, now sleeping alone there back.

"Michael." I cried

Michael came running into the room. "Vic is eve- what the fuck did you do?" He ran over grabbing my arm.

"It was a bad dream." I was whizzing

"Vic look at me you need to calm down." I was whizzing like crazy "Want to call Kellin?"

I nodded frantically

"Okay. I'll be right back. He ran out the room leaving me. I lay there crying my eyes out.

×Lots Of Love, Madi

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