Chapter 4

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I could believe what just happened, what those guys did. I walked out the school, not caring if it was over or not. It was my first day, and it was a living hell. I went to the one place, that always calmed me down, back at my home place.

I walked into the wood, I found a rock that actually had an amazing view. "You almost got you fat ass kicked." Please don't remind me, the way Vic looked at me, makes me wonder, have anyone ever stood up to that guys any?

I also could hate, but to noticed the fear in his eyes. What I saw today, I wonder if it worst outside of school. I just met Vic today, and I grow to him. "I wouldn't get to close, remember what happened last time?" My last boyfriend, used me as a tool. He truly didn't care, he would abuse me, much like how- "much like how Oliver treat Vic"

I heard quiet sobs, I don't know if it was an echo or what.

I followed the noise, slowly trying not to step on any twigs, but failed missable. "W-who there?" The voice belongs to Vic, I walked out holding my hands up. "Just me."

"Please don't kellin, I can't right n-now" he tried hard not to cry but failed.

"V-Vic I-I." I couldn't think of anything. My hands fell to my side. I step back until I felt a tree. I slide down bring my knees to my chest.

"Y-you really shouldn't be here." He cried again my eyes wondered his small tightly wrapped body, my eyes stopped on his arms. Vic's eyes met mine and he looked to what I was looking at and his face fell.

"Kel-kellin" he got up and tried to run but fell down again.

I shot up, and ran over to Vic. I grabbed him, pulling him into a hug." "Why?" I mumbled.

"Stop!" He screamed as loud as he could.

"You messed everything up, please just stop." He pushed me away and tried to get up but failed.

"I'm really dizzy and sick please just leave" He cried.

"I'm not leaving you!" I yelled, tears streaming down my face.

"Why, everyone does." He laid back on the leaves.

"They all leave me" he closed his eyes tears still falling.

"I forgive you if you leave" he whispered

"Not everyone gonna leave you, believe me. You'll find that out later in life." I move closer to him.

"I know how it feel to have someone leaving you, it a horrible thing, but that doesn't mean everyone's going to." I placed my hand on his shoulder. He turned and looked at me, his eyes falls to the ground.

"Everyone leaves sooner or later, its okay." He started laughing.

"You know, Oliver has beats the shit out of me everyday for the past year." He laughed he rolled on his side and faced me.

"You know Oliver was gonna hurt you, I couldn't let him do that. I'm gonna get so much shit for that later." He looked me in the eyes.

"I can't stop looking at your eyes." He closed his eyes and his breath evened out

"You don't have to get hurt because of me, I'll rather take the beating than see you in some much pain." I moved his hair out of his face.

"I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if anything was to happened to you."

"Kellin, why do you care so much."

"I could tell you a lot of reasons why I care, the question is do you have time for them?"

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