C H A P T E R 1 8 : Scarlet and Emerald

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"Klaus!" A 6-year old brunette was having a tantrum, now for the nth hour since she awoke at the orphanage. "I want Klaus!"

One of the caregivers tried consoling the angry child. "Shh... It's gonna be okay. He's gonna come back soon."

Unfortunately for her, the child's cries only got louder.

Another young girl with short red hair approached the two. "I got this, Ms. Phia."

The caregiver simply stood a few steps back, watching the redhead stand before the other girl.

The tiny brunette rather immediately stopped yelling, nervous about another child approaching her. "W-What do you want?"

The redhead held neither a smile nor a frown as she stared intently at Ari's green eyes. "What's your green—I mean name?"


"I'm Erza. Come with me, Ari." A young Erza suddenly grabbed Ari by the wrist and began to drag her outside the orphanage. She turned to the matron and the caregivers present before they left the building. "We'll be back before sundown!"

Ari could only stare at Erza's scarlet hair as she was dragged outside the village. 'Whoa. Her hair is really pretty.'

However, realizing that a random stranger went and dragged her someplace, was enough for Ari to cut her thoughts short. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?"

Ari attempted to gain control of the situation and pulled her hand from Erza. By then, the two had stopped at a lake near the village.

Erza stared at Ari before squatting down to scoop a handful of water from the lake and splashing it on Ari's face.

"Wha—" Ari stomped her foot at Erza, her face fuming. "What did you do that for?!"

The young Erza raised a brow before ducking down to cup another handful and sending it flying towards Ari.

"Stop that!" Ari huffed before she began splashing Erza back.

Erza froze, causing the brunette to step up and mock her. "How's that? Serves you ri—."

Much to Ari's surprise, Erza turned to her with a bright smile on her face before once again splashing her with lake water. "There!"

Erza's giggles resonated within Ari and soon, she found herself playing with Erza until both of them were fully soaked.

Hours later, the two came back to the orphanage, both shivering from the cold. The caregiver, Ms. Phia, ran to them and wrapped them in warm blankets. "Erza, really. You went and played in the lake again, didn't you?"

Erza sniffed as she smiled. "We did! We had so much fun."

Phia grabbed towels from the drawer and knelt beside the two soaking children, drying their hair one by one. "How many times do I have to tell you to ask before you go play there? You'll catch a cold at that rate!"

Erza laughed shyly. "It was a good idea at the time. Right, Ari?"

Ari, on the other hand, was already in a sneezing fit and couldn't properly respond.

Phia turned to the brunette and dried her hair. "That's it. You're staying indoors until both of you get better. Got it?"

Dinner came and the mess hall was filled with life as both kids and caregivers shared their meals.

Ari sat alone in a corner, staring blankly at her food. She barely even noticed that another kid was reaching for her bread until she heard Erza's voice.

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⏰ Última atualização: Apr 07 ⏰

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Kill Me, Erza Scarlet 「Erza Scarlet X Fem OC」Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora