C H A P T E R 1 0 : Numb Little Bug

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Ari spent the rest of the day sitting in her bed, reading a book. The ruckus from downstairs serving as the perfect background noise for her reading session.

"C'mon! I'll date you all if I have to!" Natsu's muffled laughed echoed from under her.

"Natsu, you damn brat!" Shouted someone, voice unfamiliar to Ari.

Not a moment after, louds thuds and explosions began to erupt from the main hall.

Ari could only think, 'What a loud bunch.'

But honestly, she didn't mind.

It felt like she was--

"Right at home?" A voice came from the window.

Ari snapped her head towards the origin of the voice and saw Edo Ari sitting on the window ledge.

Ari leapt from her bed, instantly assuming an offensive position. "You."

Edo Ari raised her arms in surrender. "Alright. Calm down. Look closer why don't you?"

Ari cautiously followed Edo Ari's instructions and began to notice Edo Ari's opaque appearance. If she focused hard enough, she could see the rest of the window behind Edo Ari even as she sat there.

"You're... A ghost?"

Edo Ari shrugged her shoulders. "Yeah. More or less. I enchanted my soul into your body as I," she brought down her fingers, only leaving two on each hand and air quoting, "died."


Edo Ari began swimming in backstrokes towards Ari, circling around her. "Yeap. I'm actually really really dead, just alive in ethereal form until my magic power lasts."

"And how long exactly is that?" Ari could only follow Edo Ari with her eyes, still on guard.

"Dunno." Edo Ari flipped on her stomach, her legs swinging alternately as she propped her head on her palms. "Fun fact, did you know you and I have a whole lotta magic power?"

"I don't believe you."

"Oh sure. I mean I don't really care, but It's kind of important to me that I leave a legacy. So. Like it or not, you'll be learning my magic. Heck. You already know one!"

Ari began to swing her book towards the ethereal Ari. "I don't need your help. Get lost."

Her Earthland counterpart's attack passed through her. "That's impossible. I live in your body right now."

With a huge sigh, Ari began to walk back to her bed and restarted reading. "Then go haunt someone else."

"Can't. It's expensive to transfer to another body. Besides, the good one is already inhabited by someone else. Three souls in one body must not be healthy."

Ari rolled her eyes, thinking that the soul of Edo Ari would be the last thing she needed right now. She took deep breaths, attempting to focus on her literature and blocking out the ethereal form that recently introduced itself to her.

"Aw. Come on now, Letty. You're curious as well, aren't cha? How I managed to ste--learn so much types of magic?" Edo Ari cooed, floating closer to Ari.

"Letty?" Ari cursed herself for immediately going back to giving Edo Ari attention.

"Yeah! It'll be confusing if I just call you Ari so I'm going with your surname. Letrine. Letty."

Ari continued her conversation with Edo Ari, her eyes still locked onto her book. "Then in that case you're...?"

"Hmmm... Volly? Ech. Sounds weird. Vol! You'll call me Vol!"

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