Part 20 - Big Steps

Start from the beginning

"Good morning Lorelei." Isabella greeted the women with a smile.

"Good morning Isabella. What you looking for today dear? Cherries again?"

Isabella giggled a little. "Well today I'm actually in need of some peaches. I thought I would try and make a peach tart."

"Well you are just in luck little girl, we just had a new harvest. Not to brag, but I think they are the freshest ones yet."

The women handed her a bag of peaches and offered another smile.

"How much for the peaches Mrs?"

"Don't worry about it dear. But I would love to hear about you and that Hart boy. You two are the talk of the town, and admittedly I'm a little nosey."

"Well, I think he's planning a date tonight because he mentioned something about dinner this morning. I can't really tell what he meant though." 

"Boys are very confusing. I remember when I was your age and dating. Of course times are much different now. He seems like a nice boy, but a pretty girl like yourself should always look out for yourself."

"I definitely will Lorelei, thank you so much."

"Tell me about your date later dear, I can't wait to hear all about it."

"You can count on it." She placed a small bag of coins on her table and gave the women a smile.

"Oh no dear plea...." The women was cut off.

"Nope, too late. It's yours now."

The women didn't argue and accepted the money. She gave Isabella a wink before she left.

Isabella stopped at a few more booths to get ingredients off Mrs Hart's list before deciding to return home. She visited the main cabin and gave Mrs. Hart the groceries.

That days chores consisted of laundry, gardening, baking, and cleaning the floors. The two women enjoyed getting to know each other while they worked.

That afternoon, Tiana returned home from her friends house. Isabella and Mrs. Hart let her do the finishing touches on the tarts before putting them in the oven. Soon after, the men returned from their shifts.

"How was work today darling?" Isabella asked Treech as he unlaced his boots.

"It was pretty good Bells, but why are you preparing food. I told you not to worry about dinner tonight." He questioned her with a soft smile. 

"Well I thought I might help your mother with dinner for the rest of the family. Remember Treech, we have other people to worry about." She joked.

"Of course love." He stood up and gave her a small kiss on her forehead. "I want to take you to my favorite little restaurant tonight. I'm going to go freshen up; be ready by five." With that, he went upstairs presumably to shower.

Mrs. Hart who had overheard the conversation, read Isabella's mind. "Don't worry hun, I think I have everything situated. Go get ready, you wouldn't want to be late." She winked before elegantly turning back to her vegetable cutting. 


Back at the guest house, Isabella contemplated what she should wear. It was technically their first real date. The thought was funny to Isabella, how even though she dropped her entire life at the Capitol, her and Treech weren't even official. It didn't bother her that much though. They cared about each other, and she was happy.

After trying on way too many outfits, she finally decided on wearing a long, pale yellow floral dress. It was by far the nicest outfit she had brought from the Capitol, and she worried that Treech would think it was too much for the occasion. She took out her bun and let her natural wavy pattern out. She finished her look with some more light dusting of makeup, and some cute, but functional platformed shoes.

Isabella (Treech)Where stories live. Discover now