Chapter 10: Resolution

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Y/N pov:

I slowly awoke to the sound of heart monitors. My whole body felt numb. I felt so drowsy. I couldn't even move a muscle. I opened my eyes and was immediately hit with white light. I started to regain consciousness.

After a few seconds, I opened my eyes fully and looked around the room. I was in a hospital of some sort. Kaga was sitting next to my bed, patiently waiting for me to wake up. He saw me and he lit up. 

"Y/N! Thank goodness you're okay! You had me worried sick there." Kaga told me in relief.

I rubbed my eyes and sat up. "What happened? How did I get here?" I asked weakly.

"You've been out for the past couple of days. The doctors were able to save you just in time. They were so close to losing you." I replied.

I looked down and curled my lip in reflection. "Where's Info-Chan?" I asked him.

"Behind bars where she belongs. We did it. She's no longer a threat to our school." Kaga told me.

I nodded. "Hmph..." I muttered. 

Kaga sighed and began to stand up from his seat. "They should let you out tomorrow morning. Until then, you should get some rest. You certainly earned it." Kaga said. He then began to walk towards the door.

"Wait..." I spoke up trying to grasp his attention. 

He turned to me. "Yes, my friend?" Kaga asked me attentively. 

I smiled softly at him. "Thanks for having my back, man. I couldn't have done it without you." I told him warmly. 

Kaga smiled back. "No problem. I'm always happy to accommodate you! Hmph." Kaga said with a smile as he walked out of my room. 

After he left, I laid back down on the bed and exhaled heavily. I shut my eyes and relaxed my whole body. I shouldn't push my self too hard right now. I'm still recovering. 

Ayano suddenly came to my mind. I was wondering if I should get her arrested or have a word with her. After all, she wasn't the true bad guy here. Info-Chan was the one who encouraged her to do this.

Maybe... one last deed is best for all of us.


After a couple of days, I was finally able to go back to school. It's been a while. One week had already passed since I was gone. I wonder what Kaga was up to in the mean time. But it was none of my concern.

I walked along the gateway into the school, staring down at the ground the whole time. I was here to enjoy the cherry blossoms or nice weather. I had to convince Ayano not to kill again. Hopefully she'll listen to me.

But should I really trust here, even after what she did to me? 

I'm not second-guessing myself. It's either that or the bloodshed would probably continue. It was probably the right thing to do. 

I got inside the school and tried to look for Ayano. She's gotta be here somewhere. I heard she was in classroom 2-1. So that'd be a good place to look. 

I went upstairs with my heart pounding out of my chest. I was starting to shake slightly. Why was I getting nervous all of a sudden? 

I got upstairs and checked the classroom. There was no one there surprisingly. I curled my lip and shut the door. I turned to my right and Ayano was standing right at the end of the hall with her arms crossed. Staring at me with her emotionless gaze. I dropped my expression and looked back at her with a blank stare.

"It's you again. Why have you come here?" Ayano asked me.

"Just to talk." I simply replied.

"Sure. You're probably here to arrest me like you did with her. You know I can't let that happen." Ayano told me.

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