Chapter 2: Tragedy at Akademi

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Y/N pov:

Ding, Dong, Ding, Dong

The bell chimed and class began. I was sitting at my desk resting my head on my hand waiting for my exam to come back to me. I wasn't gonna be surprised if I got even half of those answers correct.  

The teacher was a substitute teacher than goes by the name, 'Mida Rana.' I have to say she's a pretty interesting teacher, once you remove the skimpy clothing and such. I hear rumors that she likes to seduce high school boys for fun. I found that almost laughable. I mean, she did make some pretty flirty advances towards me but I saw those as mere compliments. I didn't see anything shabby behind those words of hers.

Mida handed my back my exam and I looked down to see it. I surprisingly got 18/20. I thought it'd be much lower than that. Much lower. But I was happy regardless. I then saw Taro's who got an average 15/20. He seemed pretty bummed out, but I wasn't concerned. I was just happy I was passing this class. 

Mida walked to the front of the room and wrote down something for us to keep track of. It was probably something to do with our next unit. "Alright, class. Make sure you come prepared for tomorrow. I wouldn't want anyone falling asleep by the time we finish..." She said before the bell chimed.

I grabbed my bags and walked outta the room. It was lunch time. The time where I usually go find danger around the school. I wasn't apart of the Student Council or anything, I just liked going exploring.

I made my way to the rooftop and walked along the railways and over to the giant clock, just in front of the school. Nothing more I liked to do than zipline down to the front. I grabbed a relatively large wooden stick and looped it over the zipline. I took one breath and prepared myself.

"Here goes nothing..." I said before lunging forward. 

I kicked off the platform and made my way down. I was moving relatively quicky. I didn't know if I could slow down or not. I was moving faster and faster, feeling the wind push against me. I yelled, "OH CRAAAAAAAAAAAP!!" before I fell into a bush just beside the gate. 

The landing was pretty soft and I wasn't hurt surprisingly. I poked my head up from the bush and shook my head to get the leaves off. "Whew. That was a lot of fun!" I said jumping out of the bush and dusting myself off.

"It sure looked like it..." I heard a familiar voice coming from beside me. I looked over to see who it was. I jumped and yelled in surprise when I saw Shiromi's face just inches away from mine.

I fell flat on my ass and closed my eyes in pain. "Ow." I said.

"Behaving recklessly, I see..." Shiromi said with a smirk. 

"Yeah, well, you gotta have some fun around here." I said getting back up. "Caught me at the right time, didn't ya?" I asked her.

"You know I'm gonna have to do it." Shiromi said with a smile.

"Oh, come on. I ain't getting suspended again." I told her.

"Sorry. Boss lady's rules. You can't be pulling stunts like that on school grounds." Shiromi said.

"Fine. Take me to the Counselor and have her yell in my face." I told her.

"Well, I can make an exception..." Shiromi said putting her finger on her lip.

I raised a brow. "What do you mean by that?" I asked her unsurely.

"You see, I heard the delinquents over there were stealing answer sheets from the factuality room. If you can retrieve that, then I won't report you. How about it?" Shiromi asked me with a sly smile on her face.

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