Chapter 4: Urban Myth

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Y/N pov:

I woke up slowly with my head hurting badly. I slowly regained consciousness as I raised my head up and saw nothing but white light. I closed my eyes tightly and groaned. I started to reconnect with my senses. I was in some chair of some sort. Worse of all, I was tied to it.

I tried wiggling my wrists in hopes to get out. Sadly, it was to no avail. "Oh shit..." I muttered.

"You're awake..." I heard a slightly robotic voice coming from in front of me. 

I looked up and I saw a huge computer and someone in a chair. I scrunched my eyebrows in reflection. "Who are you?" I asked the person in front of me.

"You don't need to know who I am. But I know who you are... Y/N L/N..." The person said as they turned around to reveal themselves. The person was a female, red hair, red glasses, wearing the school's female uniform. She had a small, sly grin on her face.

I looked at her without fear. "What do you want with me?" I asked her not pulling any punches. 

"It should be obvious. You were messing with my client's products. What were you thinking?" She asked me in slight annoyance. 

I raised a brow. "I have no idea what you're talking about." I said trying to get her off my ass.

"Of course not. How do you explain THIS?" She said pulling up a picture of me and Kaga scoping out the place in the bush. 

My heart practically sank to my stomach when I saw that. "Wait... how did you-" She then cut me off.

"You're sloppy. I order... special things from that facility as well. Looks like Kaga led you into a trap." She told me.

"A trap? Okay, I'm confused..." I told her.

"You see, I have clients who have me order them things from specific locations. This just so happens to be one of them. I had that bar reserved for a particular client. What were you thinking?" She asked me.

"Hey, Kaga was the one who convinced me to do this. Whatever you have going on, I don't want anything to do with it." I told her.

The red haired looked down and reflected to herself for a second. "I mean, I could let you go but under one condition." She told me.

I raised a brow at her. "And what might that be?" I asked her.

"You do me a small favor, and I won't leak your information out to everyone in the school. Trust me. I have some... unsavory information you don't want me sharing." She told me.

"Oh, you got my search history on file? Awesome." I scoffed.

"Now's not the time for jokes. Listen... There's this student named Ryuto Ippongo whose been caught gaming instead of working. His parents are rather strict. If you give me a photo of him gaming instead of working, I have the opportunity to blackmail him. Once I have what I need, you're free to go. Do we have a deal?" She told me.

"Ryuto? The guy with the red hair and bandana? Tch. This'll be a piece of cake." I said confidently.

The red-haired girl smiled. "Perfect..." She said before standing up and approaching me with a knife. She walked up behind me and cut the ties. "Let's get these off first." She said. The cables were cut in half and my hands were free. "There. Off you go." The red-haired girl said walking back to her computer. 

I rubbed my wrists and curled my lip in reflection. "Alright, nice chat. I'll be on my way then." I said sarcastically before walking to the door. 

Before I could go out, she spoke up. "Oh, and if you mention to anyone we had this little conversation... I will make you regret it immediately. Am I understood." She told me turned her head right. 

I looked at her. "Of course. I wouldn't be the one exposing an urban legend. That's for damn sure." I said before walking out of the door. 

I can't believe am assisting in another crime...


I got out of the Info-Club and I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I reached down to grab it. I lifted the phone up and looked at it. It was a text from Info-Chan. She gave details about this little task. She also somehow manually installed an app on my phone. I was baffled at this point.

She told me to find Ryuto, snap a photo of him, and send it to her after I was done. The task didn't seem that hard to begin with. Just a little something to get the blood flowing.

I made my ways down the hallways in hopes to find Ryuto. He was a hard guy to find, since he's always moving a lot. But I was sure I'd find him, one way or another.

I looked right and went upstairs. My gut instinct was telling me that he and Pippi were up there. He always has his little girlfriend tailing him everywhere he goes, but she wasn't a big problem.

After walking up the stairs and turning a corner, I turn right and there I saw them. They were on their phones instead of doing their chores. I looked around before tailing them. I made sure I wasn't in anyone's line of sight. I already had so much on my plate, so many close calls, I can't fuck this over.

They turned a corner and I skipped over to it and took cover behind it. I pecked my head out and tip-toed behind them, seeing where they'll lead me.

They turned into a dead end and started playing their little game. It was the perfect time to get a shot. I looked around, grabbed my phone, snapped a photo and blazed off quickly without anyone noticing. I turned around to see if anyone followed me. Thank God no one saw me. 

I looked to my phone and pulled up the app Info-Chan installed. I send her the photo and it took her a moment to reply.

"Excellent. In return, I won't leak your information. Your secrets are safe with me." She texted.

I sighed and put my phone in my pocket as I walked away from the scene. I was glad I wasn't getting blackmailed today. But I helped her blackmail someone else. I felt shitty about it, but I had no choice. It was either that or get my life ruined.

So I made the smart move... didn't I?

Lovely Bloody Grounds (Yandere Simulator AU X Male Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt