Chapter 7: Confrontation

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Y/N pov:

After watching Kizana getting murdered on stage, I went back to my room in a fit of rage. I never had my fists clenched so hard in my life. It felt like they were bleeding. I went back to my room and slammed the door behind me. I went to my dresser and slammed my hands on top of it. 

"You fuck... You rotten fuck!" I said hitting the dresser in anger. 

I couldn't get Ayano out of my head. I could hear her. "Stay out of my business, and you live another day. Got it?" That though made me more angry. 

The thought of Ayano was driving me insane. It was her, I knew it was her. She did it. No one else in the school's a murderer like her. She's the one.

I looked up and squinched my eyebrows and looked up. 

"I'm coming for you, Ayano... I'll make you pay for what you've done..." I said to myself in rage.


The next day rolled by and I stomped my way to school. Something needs to be done about Ayano. There'll only be more victims in the future if I don't put a stop to her. My heart was practically racing. I was starting to shake out of rage, yet fear. 

What I was gonna do next wasn't gonna be pretty. 

After a few minutes of walking, I approached the lockers and went into the courtyard. I continued to march as I began to looked around for Ayano. She was hiding behind a bush, watching Taro read his book on the fountain. I clenched my fists and stepped closer. 

"AYANO!!" I yelled. Ayano and practically everyone in the courtyard looked at me. I began to pant in anger. I pointed at her. "YOU!! YOU MURDERED KIZANA AT THAT PLAY, DIDN'T YOU!! YOU MURDERING SCUM!!" I yelled.

Ayano began looking around anxiously and started to back away. "What?! That's absurd! I would never murder anyone!" Ayano said trying to play innocent. I wasn't falling for it.


"Y-You got this all wrong! This is just a big misunderstanding!" Ayano continued her act.

"Don't you dare... DON'T YOU-" Before I could finish, a teacher came up behind me and began yelling at me. "What do you think you're doing? That kind of behavior is unacceptable! We're going to have to take a little trip to the guidance counselor at once!" The teacher yelled. 

"You don't understand. She did-" I said pointing at Ayano but the teacher cut me off again. "I don't want to here. Let's go. NOW." The teacher demanded.

I clenched my teeth and growled a bit.

This'll be fun to explain...


I arrived at the Counselor's office shortly after. God, I've never been sent here before, so this should be fun.

I sat down in front of the counselor who was looking at me with a stern look and her arms crossed. "It should be obvious why you're here. You've been caught being a disturbance to your fellow classmates. What's the matter?" She asked me.

"It... It was Ayano! She murdered Kizana! She even threatened me with a knife just a couple days ago! She told me to keep my mouth shut but I can't anymore! I want her arrested, immediately!" I told her.

"Don't be ridiculous. You can't expect me to believe that there's a killer running around school freely killing off club leaders. Looks like Kizana's accident took a toll on you. You need to rest. Clear your mind for a couple days." The Counselor advised me.

"Wait- You can't possibly believe that Kizana's death is mere coincidence!" I told her.

The counselor crossed her arms again. "I don't want to hear it. You are hereby dismissed." The counselor told me.

"You can't be serious..." I said.

Well that was a huge waste of my time. I can't stop now. I gotta put a stop to Ayano at all costs.


After that, I went to the locker grabbed my things and went out to the gates. I can't believe I got sent back home for the day. This is ridiculous. No one's gonna believe me when I said Ayano murdered Amai, Kizana, and probably Osana. Plus I can't go to the police.  I don't have any evidence and plus if they do investigate her, they won't find anything.

Looks like I have no other choice but to investigate Ayano myself. This wasn't gonna be no easy job. I could end up getting killed, injured or worse. But I didn't have any other choice. It's either get Ayano arrested or more students are going to get hurt along the way.

I ain't doing this for just me, it's also for the safety of the students. The safety of the school.

Gosh... I never thought I'd be a vigilante...

As I continued walking down the street, I heard someone's footsteps behind me. My heart sank to my stomach as I expected the worse.

"You should've listened to me the first time..." I heard Ayano's voice coming from behind me.

I froze for a second before turning around slowly. I saw Ayano staring at me with her fists clenched. She looked like she wanted to rip my skin off right then and there. I back up a bit for my safety. 

"I don't listen to crazed serial killers like you." I told her in defiance. 

Ayano giggled in response. "I'm not crazy. Just dangerous..." She said with a snarky tone and a smirk on her face.

"How about both? Cause they both sound like you..." I told her.

Ayano dropped her smile and stepped closer. "Enough of this." She said as she pulled out a knife. "I told you before, I'm not going to tell you again. I won't let ANYONE come between me and my Senpai... Not even you..." She told me with a glare, stepping closer with that knife. 

I started to feel real scared now, but I wasn't gonna flinch just yet. "What are you gonna do? Kill me here in cold blood? You're more sloppy then I thought." I told her as I continued to step back. 

"No... I'll just make it look like an accident." She told me as she charged at me.

My eyes widened as I quickly turned the other way and ran as fast as I could down the block. My heart was racing. I had a literal psycho chasing me down the block. God, this was a real nightmare.

I huffed and puffed as I tuned right and continued to run forward. I turned around to see Ayano still tailing me. 'Damn, she's fast!' I thought to myself. I turned back around and continued to run down the road.

Talk about running for your life...

I continued to run for a couple of minutes before I stumbled across a bridge close to the waters. I panted in exhaust as I stopped to catch my breath. I couldn't even catch a break as I heard Ayano nearby. 

"No more running, Y/N..." She said as she approached me slowly with the knife. 

I jolted up and began to walk backwards. "S-Shit... Stay back..." I told her as I continued walking backwards not looking behind me.

I got sloppy as I stepped back and tripped on a small stone by the end of the railings. I gasped in surprise as I tripped backwards and off the ledge. I screamed as I fell backwards into the river nearby.

The last thing I remembered was feeling the impact of the water and everything turning blue, then black shortly after. Gosh, it stung real badly for a second before I become unconscious. 

Is this really how it ends...?

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