Chapter 3: Kaga's Quest

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Third-person pov:

"Ms. Saikou... Ms. Saikou, wake up..." 

Megami opened her eyes slowly to the sound of her name being called. She looked up and saw the curse attendant sitting beside her bed with a clipboard in hand. Megmai sat up and rubbed her eyes. 

"What time is it..." She asked the attendant.

"It's about 6:00 AM, Ms. Saikou. You're just on time." The attendant reassured her. She then pulled her pen up and started writing something down on her clipboard. "As usual, I am going to ask you a few questions just to see if you lost any knowledge on Mr. Saikou's regulations. Ready when you are." She said waiting for Megami to prepare herself.

"Alright. I'm ready." Megami replied.

Megami's routine went on as usual. She answered the questions, ate breakfast, cleaned up after herself, and finished the Student Council meeting every morning before school. After everything was done, she had about an hour to prep herself for class. Meanwhile, she pulled up a news article on her computer. It had something to do with the recent murder that happened yesterday. 

Megami gave a rather annoyed look as she continued scrolling through the article. In a fit of rage, she slammed the laptop shut. She was going to have to consult the Student Council about taking extra precautions. 

After all, it was her school to protect...


Y/N pov:

I arrived at school about 7:30 as I usually do. I had my hands in my pockets while I walked along the gateway. I was tired. Didn't even get a wink of sleep last night. I still had to keep my mind active for the sake of my studies. I wasn't gonna let anything get in the way between me and my way to success.

I got inside the school and switched my shoes. I grabbed a note inside that told me to meet Kaga in the Science Club. I wonder what he wanted from me this time. Probably use me in one of his experiments again. At this time, I usually go hang out with the Student Council but I could make an exception. 

After all, they're always available after school...

I got upstairs and arrived at the Science Club not to long after. I slid the doors open and walked inside. Kaga turned around and saw me approach him. He wore his crazy grin as he lit up at my arrival.

"Ah, Mr. L/N! Come in! You're just in time for my latest experiment!" He said throwing his arms up in joy.

I chuckled a bit and stepped forward. "What is it now, Kaga?" I asked playfully.

"Oh, it's a little something to light up the mood. Behold... THE ATOM ATOMIZER!!" He said pulling the covering off the object he wanted to show me. 

I raised a brow as I looked at the object. "What the hell is that?" I asked unsurely. It looked like a massive dispenser that shot out bullets or something. It was almost double the size of us. I'm not sure how the hell he was able to fit that thing through the door but it was none of my concern. 

"It's my latest experiment. With this, I can light up this whole room like a Christmas tree. Call this a light show, eh?" Kaga said playfully while bumping my arm with his elbow and giving me suggestive eyebrows.

"The way you explain it, it sounds like you're gonna blow up this whole school with this thing." I said sarcastically. 

"Now, now. What do you take me for, A KILLER?! Gosh, I would never do such a thing. This thing is completely harmless. Just watch and learn..." Kaga said putting on goggles. He passed me a pair. "You might wanna put this on." He told me.

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