Chapter 5: Aishi

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Y/N pov:

After I escaped Info-Chan's grasp, I was careful not to spew the name out so suddenly. I was afraid to ask anyone about the myth, since it could get me into trouble. Or maybe she was full of shit and was just threating me just to scare me out of snitching on her.

But I wasn't really concerned about it. I was just happy I wasn't being blackmailed.

I walked into class and sat down. Class went on as usual, lunch went on as usual, cleaning time went on as usual, the day unfolded as it usually did. But I wasn't really satisfied since I missed all of first class. It sucked but at least something interesting happened.

After school, I went into town hoping for something exciting to happen. After all, I was up for an adventure...

I got into the center of town and looked around at all the varies shops nearby. None of them grabbed my attention for very long. So I decided to go somewhere to get something to eat. I was starving. 

I went somewhere else into town to see what kind of shops would have something simple and fast to prepare. Maybe a pizza place, cause I was big on sushi. I couldn't eat the bento because of how bitter it tasted to me. I didn't really dig what everybody else had.

Don't even get me started with what Shiromi eats...

Anyway, I walked into this pizza place on the other side of town. The place was busy as I heard noise coming from every inch of the building. I walked up to the counter and ordered a medium pepperoni. It was simple, and I could complete it by myself. I wasn't gonna down a large by myself, that's for damn sure.

After a few minutes of waiting, I walked out with a pizza box in my arms. I was eager to get home and eat this. I haven't ate in hours. As I was heading out, I looked up and seen none other than Taro Yamada himself. I lit up at the sight of him. 

"HEY!! TARO!! OVER HERE!!" I yelled trying to grasp his attention. He turned to look at me and smiled warmly. I skipped over to him.

"Well, well. There's a face I wasn't expecting to see." Taro said rubbing his head. "Where were you in first period?" He asked me.

I looked down to the side and made an uneasy look. I didn't wanna tell him the truth, so I made something up. "Oh... I was... busy... Traffic jam!" I said abruptly. 

Taro gave me an unconvinced look. He raised a brow at me. "Are you sure? The roads were completely clear when I arrived." He told me.

"Well, I came late. So, that explains it." I told him. 

He raised his brows, closed his eyes and nodded his head slightly in understanding. "Hm. Fair point."

I looked down to the side not knowing what to say in return. "Well, sorry for approaching you so abruptly. I gotta go before this pizza turns cold." I said walking backwards and turning around. 

Taro smiled and waved. "Bye Y/N!" He said.

"Yeah, you too." I said walking as fast as I could away. 

Taro made his way down the road. I couldn't help but to turn around and look at him. I then saw a girl following him. It was the same girl I see when ever he goes anywhere. The girl had black hair tied back into a ponytail, she wore a green shirt with black gloves. She also had the same black stockings she wears at school. 

I turned back around not wanting to bump into anything. I just kept moving forward wonder what the hell that girl was up to.

Something about her just makes me sick...


The night went by and I was back at school. I rubbed my eyes as I walked through the busy hallway. I was half-awake. Gosh, I didn't know if I could process words. But I was completely functional, so there's a plus.

I walked into class and looked at the teacher who was unloading some stuff from one of the nearby closets. I raised a brow and approached her. "Need a hand?" I asked politely. 

The teacher looked at me. "I do, actually. Originally, I was going to get Ayano to do this, but looks like I got an extra set of hands." She told me.

I nodded and didn't even realize someone coming from behind me. They walked around me to get to the boxes. My heart sank to my stomach. It was the same girl who was stalking Taro just the other night. I snapped out of it and tried to keep my composer. 

"Ah, there you are! Ayano, you and Y/N can unload these boxes into the gymnasium's closets. They'll need these boxes in order by the time they get back. Make it snappy." The teacher said before walking away.

"Understood." Ayano simply replied. I froze up for a second, looking side to side. I didn't know what to say. The girl picked up the boxes laying on the floor. "I'll take these ones. You get the remaining ones laying on the ground." She told me.

I snapped out of it and frantically grabbed the boxes. "Y-Yes! Right on it!" I said picking up the boxes and tagging along.

I followed Ayano down the halls with a bunch of boxes in hand. Ayano just kept staring straight as her and I made our way outside.

We were at the doors approaching the changing rooms. I looked side to side trying to think of something to say to break the awkward silence. "So... You're a senior, right?" I asked her.

"Sure am. I'll be graduating this year. That doesn't come to a surprise for anyone." She replied rather emotionlessly. Her voice was rather edgy but at the same time... reassuring. 

"Heh... We're alike! I still have no idea what the hell I'm gonna do after grad. But there's still plenty of time, no sweat." I said following a nervous chuckle. 

"Hmph..." Ayano mused in reflection.

'Gosh, I'm making this so obvious...' I thought to myself, cringing. 

We were passed the change rooms and approaching the gym. That's where the Drama Club rehearses. That's also where we have phys.ed.

My heart was pounding as I thought about telling her about the murder that happened a few days ago. It made me sick to my stomach but at the same time, it was tempting. "I hope you don't mind me asking, but have you ever heard of the murder that occurred a few days ago?" I asked her.

She kept silent for a few seconds before speaking up again. "I have. Why do you ask?" She told me.

I looked down to the side. "Well, don't you feel unsafe here, knowing that there's a killer around?" I asked her.

"No. Why should I be?" She asked me in her calm voice.

She was making me feel really nervous. I couldn't help but to bear my teeth and sweat a bit. "Well... I'm uncomfortable with the thought of a killer in the school. It keeps me awake at night, knowing my life's at risk every time I come here." I told her.

"If it bothers you so much, you should move to another school." She suggested. 

"What?! No. The transfer takes so long here. Plus, I went through hell to get here. Plus, I like it here regardless." I told her.

Ayano seemed rather disinterested in the conversation. "If you say so..." Ayano replied.

We finally arrived at the gymnasium and walked across the building to get to the closet. "Here we are." Ayano said. She place the boxes down and stood up. "Set them right here. That makes them easier to access." Ayano told me.

I set the boxes down and stood up. Ayano looked at me with a blank expression. In a blink of an eye, she shoved me to the wall and pulled a knife out. She put it to my neck and looked me dead in the eyes.

"You bring the murder up ever again, you're going to get seriously hurt. Am I understood?" She told me with a menacing glare on her face. 

My eyes were wide and my blood ran cold. "Wait, you did t-" She then cut me off. "Don't ask questions. Just stay out of my business and you live. Got it?" She asked me again.

"Yeah. I got it." I told her.

"Wise choice..." She said taking the blade off my neck. She hid the knife back in her skirt and walked away. "Thanks for the help." Ayano said emotionlessly as she walked out of the gym.

"You're welcome..." I said awkwardly. 

Gosh. This school's full of sociopaths...

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