Chapter 6: Stage Fright

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Y/N pov:

Well, that was something. I serial killer in the school. Surprising, yet not surprising. I didn't think it'd be worth going to the police for what just happened. I doubt they'll find anything about her. You know, for a serial killer, she's actually pretty good. And no, I'm not praising Ayano for what she did. It's despicable.  But it was none of my concern. I was just happy I was able to live another day. Gotta say, it's been a crazy week so far.

Gosh, I never felt so scared in my life...


After the weekend passed, I was finally able to go back to school. But this time I wasn't that enthused about it, knowing Ayano is going around killing people and Info-Chan is blackmailing seeminglessly innocent people.

Some part of me wants to bring them to justice, but I felt so powerless at the moment.

Day by day, things will get better. Hopefully. 

I was at my locker getting my things for class. I shut my locker after I grabbed my books and turned around. When I did, I bumped into something. Or someone...

I fell on my ass and looked up at the person I had just bumped into. It was none other than Kizana, the lead actress of the Drama Club. I felt revolted at the sight of her. She was an annoying, self-centered snob. I understood why Megami hated her. I still don't understand how she was the second most popular student in Akademi. 

She looked down at me and scoffed. "Ugh. I can't believe this vermin grimed my uniform! Hmph." She said in absolute disgust.

I looked up at her and glared. "I didn't even got a spec of dust on you. What're you even talking about?" I asked her in annoyance.

"Silence, peasant! Just who do you think you're talking to?" She asked me in her snobby tone.

I narrowed my eyebrows and bared my teeth. I just wanted to jolt up and smoke her right in the mouth. But I kept composure. "My apologies for harming your precious little ego..." I mocked her.

"Hahahaha... You think you're funny? Just wait 'til you see me on the center-" I then cut her off. "Zip it! I don't care about you or your stupid little parade. Now get out of my way or I'll make y-" She then cut me off. "Hush! Enough talk. Now, if you'll excuse us... we have a practice to get to! Hmph." She said before walking away with her crew. I got up and held my arm. 

I looked at them and then looked forward, down at the ground. I'm surprised nobody sensible punched her out yet. I noticed I was getting progressively angry. I closed my eyes and exhaled slowly. "Pull yourself together, Y/N. You still have a whole day ahead of you..." I reassured myself. I then made my way down the hall way.

As I was walking, I stumbled across a poster advertising Kizana's latest performance. It said it was supposed to be taking place at 7:00 PM tonight. I felt revolted and glared at it. 

"Ugh..." I uttered in annoyance ripping it down from the wall.


Third-person pov:

Tonight was the night. The night of the big show. Kizana and her crew have been preparing hours, upon hours for this. But now was the time to entertain the fine students of Akademi.

It was dark outside, the lights outside the gym lit up the sky, everyone was crowding in to get a seat. There were enough for everyone, but it'd be pretty hard to squeeze in. It was pretty busy and bustling in there. It wasn't Y/N's kinda jam but he was here because Taro wanted him to be there. Taro had some sort of relationship with Kizana, and no, they were not dating.

Y/N was walking around aimlessly trying to find Taro. He looked left to right but to no avail. That was until Y/N heard his name being shouted from the other side of the gym. Y/N looked over to see Taro waving at him from across the gym. Looks like Taro had just saved Y/N a spot. Y/N without wasting another second ran over to him.

Y/N laughed as he took a seat next to Taro. Y/N sighed. "Thanks for saving me a seat, man. I was afraid I was gonna sit at the sidelines as usual." He told Taro.

Taro chuckled and rubbed his head. "Yeah, that'd suck. But hey, at least I arrived early!" Taro said.

Y/N smiled and looked forward. "You're always early." Y/N replied.

"That's me alright..." Taro said before the stage darkened and the spot light went on. "Be quiet, it's starting!" Taro whispered. 

The announcer came on speaker. As everyone was preoccupied with the announcer speaking, the crew were backstage waiting for the announcer to finish her speech. Kizana and her crew were dressed up in goofy costumes for the play.

Kizana rubbed her nailed and inspected them. "Now, listen up you buffoons... I better not have the spotlight taken from me at any point in time. If you do, we are going to have major issues. Got it?" She told her crew. 

They all nodded. "Good. Now let's put on a show!" Kizana said enthusiastically stepping out on to stage. The rest of crew followed. A shadowy figure then lurked out from the shadows. 

Looks like Ayano was here to settle a score with Kizana... 

As Kizana and her crew stepped out on stage, everyone cheered. The whole crowd went crazy.  Kizana and her crew raised their arms in preparation for their play. Ayano took that moment to act on her plan. 

The crowd ain't gonna suspect what happens next. As they began their play, Ayano went upstairs and above the stage platform. Ayano saw a huge sandbag hanging just above the stage. Ayano smiled slyly and walked over to it. Everyone was so intrigued by Kizana's performance. 

Y/N just crossed his arms with a brow raised. He was anything but entertained. 

Ayano grabbed the knife from her skirt and started to cut the rope slowly. Kizana was just below the sandbag. The bag were to be fatal if dropped on a person. Ayano slowly but finally cut the rope completely. 

Kizana put her arms up to finish her act but was then crushed by the sandbag. Everyone gasped as Kizana's crew went over to help her. Ayano giggled as she ran off the platform and out of the gymnasium. It was too dark to for the audience to make out who had just ran out the door. Everyone was so preoccupied with the tragedy that had just occurred. They didn't even notice a thing. 

Y/N and Taro both stood in shock as everyone continued to panic. A part of Y/N knew that Ayano had something to do with it but was too bamboozled to even think clearly. A part of him cared about Kizana despite her snobby attitude. That was a wake up call for him.

Well that was a shocking performance. 

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