𝐯𝐢. drunken memories !

Start from the beginning

Cassian blanched. "Yes, ma'am."

Ana nodded and turned, walking toward the stairs. The last thing she heard before entering her room was Rhysand's amused voice, "I knew you were the one who broke it."

⎯⎯ ⬩❖⬩ ⎯⎯⎯⎯

Rita's was a mess of drunken laughs and slurred words. Ana and Mor were who knew how many drinks in, their minds a flurry of indiscernible thoughts and nonsensical ideas. Bodies flushed together and all worries absent, the fae inside the club were filling the atmosphere with a drug-like wonder. Everywhere Ana looked, people were having fun, not once thinking about the problems of that day or the next. She was drinking that feeling in just as fast as her alcoholic beverages. 

Half-empty glass in hand, Ana continued to cheer Mor on as she grinded against a female fae with bright pink hair and eyes, butterfly-esque wings, and tattoos all along her brown skin. It was nice to see her blonde friend letting loose and unblocking her true self. Of course Ana knew about Mor's sexualityshe had a very impressive gaydar, and Mor had been setting it off since day one. Watching her dance freely against this fae had Ana screaming happily and jumping up and down in excitement.

"Get it!" A few other fae had joined Ana in her cheers, the energy matching that of a college frat party or a high school football game. "Go! Go! Go!"

The squeals only got louder when the unnamed fae pulled Mor into a hot kiss. Ana's lips were parted in surprise, eyes wide as she laughed with a few other people. No one had suspected the butterfly fae to make a move, for Mor was known for being dominant in relationships (at least, that's what people had told Ana).

"This is insane!" a feminine voice called from beside Ana, causing the blonde to turn. Next to her stood a High fae female. She had copper-toned skin, bronze eyes, and long dark hair that was braided beautifully. Her long limbs were draped in silk and deep blue painted her nails, her lips a matching color. 

"I know, right?" Ana held out her hand. "I'm Ana!"

The fae took her hand. "Fara!" She pulled Ana closer, their chests brushing. "Wanna follow in their example?"


Fara wasted no time in pulling Ana into a kiss, their lips melding together as lipstick stained their skin. 

Now, one should know that Ana was a touchy person when drunk. She tended to pick a person and cling to them until sobriety took over and made her no longer act like a kid. Some would say this was a side effect of her isolated childhood and the fact that she was touch starved for so long, but Ana just chopped it up to being the alcoholic influence on her body. Kissing, hugging, dancing, and even making out were all on the table for her when alcohol entered her system.

However, as she backed Fara into a wall and kissed her drunkenly, something in the back of her mind was yelling at her to stop. Blurred images of someone's face kept popping up, violet eyes and beautiful dark wings being the only things she could really pick out. But since nothing was solid in her mind, and she was wasted to the point of alcohol poisoning for a mortal, she didn't stop her make out session. 

If only she'd known that Rhys could hear every drunken thought, and it was making him want to storm into that club and take her for himself. 

Ana sat on her balcony, allowing the sun to warm her skin and push away her headache. Memories were coming back, and she could now put a face to the unknown pair of lips she'd kissed the night before. This wasn't her first time kissing someone while drunk, but it was her first time feeling shitty about it. Especially with her unknown feelings for Rhys. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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