Stuck With You

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A/N: Sorry for the slow updates! I'm currently drowning in college things, but I just finished midterms so I have a little more free time now.

Hopefully this long one makes up for the wait :)

Summary: If there's one thing you didn't need today, it's to be trapped in an elevator with a man who makes you want to pull your hair out.



You jump as an angry shout echoes down the hall, a smirk growing on your face as you hear heavy stomps coming toward the living room.

"What the fuck is this?!" Bucky shouts, throwing a shampoo bottle in your direction.

"I have no clue what you're talking about, Bucky" you reply cooly, catching the bottle with ease and setting it on the coffee table.

He chuckles humorlessly, "You think you're funny, don't you?"

"Again, I have no idea what you're talking about..." you bring your coffee mug to your lips. "Are you feeling okay?"

His jaw ticks, eyes meeting yours in a murderous stare.

"Don't play dumb with me, Y/N" he growls, "I know it was you."

"I think you should schedule an appointment with Dr. Raynor," you feign concern, "You seem... agitated."

"Agitated? AGITATED?" He runs a hand through his hair before straightening his posture terrifyingly, "I'm gonna kill you."

"Oh now, James, let's not be dramatic," you drawl. A fire ignites in him and your eyes widen. You launch the shampoo bottle at him, taking off down the hallway.

"GET OVER HERE," he lurches forward into a sprint as you disappear behind a corner, feet softly tapping the floor.

You try to confuse Bucky in the maze of the Tower, leading him down hallways and into stairwells. You try to look over your shoulder every few steps to keep track of him but listen for his soft panting and the sound of his combat boots on the squeaky clean floors when you have to look ahead.

Your breath becomes ragged as you charge toward the elevator, small beads of sweat beginning to form on your forehead. Feeling the start of a side-stitch, you slow down to a jog and listen for Bucky behind you. Silence.

You snap your head to look behind you but don't see him. Cautiously, you start to pace around the lounge, looking for any signs of him hiding behind corners. Oh shit, he's gone all Winter Soldier.

You start to take another direction, turning left toward the elevator, hoping he's still creeping somewhere behind you. You walk cautiously, head on a swivel before walking past an open door to your left. You decide to brave it and walk past the door swiftly, focusing your eyes on the darkness within the room, not noticing the metal arm that sticks out from a corner to your right.

You run right into the arm as you pass by, the force of the vibranium on your body knocking you to the ground. Two combat boots stand on either side of your body before you can jump to your feet, locking you in place as you slowly look up at the figure above you.

"You asshole," you groan, trying to slip out of his grasp, but his boots dig into your ribs.

He chuckles as you struggle, not budging an inch despite you repeatedly hitting his calves and knees. "What are you gonna do now, doll? I gotcha trapped," he taunts.

You glare up at him with a scoff, crossing your arms over your chest defensively as a smug grin spreads slowly across his face. Something about him standing like that gives you butterflies. He looks kind of good from this angle... Stop it, Y/N! Stay focused.

Bucky Barnes x Reader Oneshots/Imagines - UnconditionallyWhere stories live. Discover now