Let Me Fix It

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4 years. You can't believe it's been 4 years since you and Bucky got married. 4 years of choosing him and loving him every day. God, it feels like he was softly knocking on your door at the Avengers' Tower only yesterday, finally asking you out after months of careful flirting and shyness.

4 years ago...

"Hmm. What to watch..." you say out loud scrolling through Netflix for something good. You're bundled up on your bed, wearing a tank top and some sweatpants. After giving up on finding anything new to watch, you throw on Gilmore Girls to rewatch for the 3rd time. Just as you hit play, you hear a soft knock at your door.

"It's open!" you shout from your lounged position, expecting Wanda or Nat to be the only ones to knock at this hour. You hear a slight shuffling and look to the door to see Bucky slowly peeking his head in.

"Oh! Bucky...hi," you stutter slightly flustered at the handsome man standing at your door. His long hair is framing his face loosely, and a pair of grey sweatpants hang low on his hips.

"Hey," he replies, smirking as he notices you checking out his shirtless torso. You quickly snap out of your daze and invite him to sit down on the bed. He sits cautiously at the end of the bed, fidgeting his vibranium fingers. Why is he so nervous? You think to yourself. Bucky had come in here plenty of times, in fact, you just had a movie night with him yesterday.

"What's up, Bucky? You seem nervous," you ask.

"What? No. I'm not nervous. Well, maybe a tiny bit. Not anything big though, nothing to worry about. Are you worryin-" Bucky babbles quickly, avoiding your eyes.

"Bucky," you chuckle.

"Right. Anyway, I know that we've kind of been hanging out a lot recently and I know I haven't had feelings for a girl in a really long time.. so if this is weird, we can just forget about it. But, I like you, Y/N. Like really like you. I won't bore you with all of the details just yet but, would you like to go out on a date sometime?" He looks down as he waits for your answer, biting his lip.

"Bucky, I like you too," you say with a smile.

"You do?"

"Yeah, I really do."

Bucky smiles and scoots to the top of your bed right next to you, pulling you into a tight hug. You don't see this, but he lifts his right hand to fist pump victoriously. You chuckle into his shoulder before pulling away. He carefully moves a strand of hair behind your ear, eyes boring deep into yours. You're glad for the dim lighting, as you try to cover your blushing cheeks.

You lift up the remote and point at the TV, "Want to watch Gilmore Girls with me?"

"What's a Gilmore girl?" He furrows his brows in confusion. You just chuckle and restart the episode as he settles in underneath the comforter with you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders.

Lately, things have been stressful between you and Bucky. You thought that moving in together away from the Tower would give you more time together and a chance to get away from all of the Avengers craziness, only coming in when you're assigned missions. However, after only a couple of months of peace, things started to pick up for Bucky. Fury had decided to separate you two on missions because he claimed it was too much of a liability, effectively benching you.  You could live with that for a while, but what you couldn't handle was Bucky being called in all the time to leave for long periods with no contact while you were stuck at home. You needed something to take your mind off of all of it, so you got a part-time job as a tutor for an elementary school in the area. It was easy, rewarding, and helped you feel a little bit less alone when Bucky was gone. Bucky was not a big fan of this endeavor.

Bucky Barnes x Reader Oneshots/Imagines - UnconditionallyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora