More Than a Woman

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Summary: Absolutely exhausted, you are stuck at one of Tony's extravagant galas. Just when you need an escape, your fellow Avenger and crush, Bucky Barnes, decides to make your night a little bit better. 

"Only 9:00," you sigh heavily, glancing subtly at the Apple Watch sitting on your wrist. You were exhausted. Steve had assigned you a data retrieval mission in Bangladesh, tying you up for the past two weeks. The mission was a huge success and there had been only a couple of scrapes getting home. All you wanted to do was take a hot shower, throw on your comfiest pajamas, and curl up in bed to drift asleep watching a cheesy rom-com. But no, Tony Stark had to throw a wrench into your plans. 

So, there you sat, at a roundtable of your fellow Avengers and a few SHIELD agents awkwardly chatting about weekend plans. You wore a beautiful green satin cocktail dress, hair pinned loosely at the nape of your neck, perfectly presenting necklaces of gold and pearls. You sat back, holding your hands over your crossed legs. 

"How you doing, babe?" Wanda's voice pulled you from your daydreams. "You look miserable, you know," she said playfully. 

"I am miserable," you groaned, leaning your head on the table. Wanda gently rubbed your back with a chuckle. She was always so sweet, your best friend and sister in spirit, just like Nat. 

"Well, your night might be starting to look up," she winked. You followed her eyes to the back of the room, landing on Bucky Barnes. 

You immediately perked up at the sight of the handsome soldier, heart fluttering at his perfectly fitted suit. It was like you were back in high school again, watching timidly as your crush interacted with friends and coworkers. Suddenly, his blue eyes met yours, piercing through the crowd in an instant. Heat rose to your cheeks as you turned around, knowing he was also seated at this table. 

"He's coming," Wanda nudged with a knowing smile as she fixed the clasp of your necklace. You smoothed over your dress anxiously, waiting for the inevitable moment when the super soldier would be in the seat beside you, a cocky prank from Tony no doubt. You weren't a naturally nervous person, but something about Bucky always made you giddy. 

Out of the corner of your eye, you see a metal hand pull out the chair on your right side. His scent captivates you as he sits down, emitting a woodsy aroma of cedar, black vanilla, and whiskey. You felt his eyes as you talked to Wanda, making your heart race. Finally, you worked up the courage to look in his direction with a friendly smile. He greeted you softly with a kind, tight-lipped, smile in return. 



"It's been a while. How was the mission?" He asked leaning back in his chair.

"Oh, you know. Hacked some computers, knocked some heads, pissed off Steve... the usual," you sighed.

"It wouldn't be a mission if you didn't piss Steve off a little," he chuckled. "But, hey, I'm proud of you, it's not an easy job."

"Thanks, Barnes-," you say as a yawn interrupts you. "I really wish I could just go to bed, though. Curse Tony for making me stay at this godawful party." he laughs, looking intently as you speak, noting the droopiness of your eyes and the concealed shadow of eyebags on your face. 

"Well, why don't we go somewhere a little quieter?" he smirked. 

You nod. 


You and Bucky leaned on the railing of the balcony, looking down at the party as couples swayed on the dance floor. The music played loudly below, becoming slightly more muffled as it reached the balcony. There was a comfortable silence between you and Bucky, but you desperately searched for something to say. He fiddled with his metal hand as he did the same thing, trying to calm his nerves beneath his gruff exterior. Suddenly, you heard a familiar beat start to play over the speakers below. 

Oh, girl, I've known you very well. I've seen you growing every day. I never really looked before, but now you take my breath away.

Suddenly you're in my life, part of everything I do. You got me working day and night
just tryin' to keep a hold on you.

You close your eyes and smile as the lyrics fill your ears, remembering all the times you danced with your high school friends in the bathroom to this song wishing that a man would one day adore you enough to take their place. You tapped your fingers rhythmically as memories of your old life flooded your head. It reminded you of better times when life was simple and you had your girls to lean on. The times had changed greatly, and not exactly for the better, but not for the worse either. You had Natasha and Wanda now, and are the best damn agent the Avengers have ever seen. 

Suddenly, a hand grabs your wrist gently, pulling you away from the balcony and your thoughts.

"May I have this dance?" Bucky whispers as he grabs your hand. 

Words almost escape you as your heart leaps into your throat, butterflies flying rampantly in your stomach. 

"Of course."

Silently, he places your hand in his right as his left arm snakes around your waist, pulling you into his chest. You gently rest your head on his shoulder, hiding a deep blush on your cheeks. His posture is strong and masculine, and his breath is even. He holds you closely to him as the music plays, thumb softly stroking the back of your hand pressed to his broad chest. 

Abruptly, you hear him softly hum along to the song lowly against your ear. A shiver runs down your spine as you lean into the tickle of his scruff against your cheek, body on fire from his touch. You leaned your head on his chest, his head following to sing softly in your ear. The sound rumbled in his chest as his heartbeat relaxed you. 

Oh, say you'll always be my baby, we can make it shine. We can take forever, just a minute at a time

More than a woman, more than a woman to me

His voice was deep and sweet, the most beautiful sound you've ever heard. You were awestruck at this side of Bucky, the cold soldier persona crumbling to pieces as he held you. The once timid Winter Soldier softened in the presence of the woman he so adored. Oh, how he longed for the chance to let go like this, it had been so long since he had felt so safe. He wouldn't trade the world for a chance to hold you against him and sing his feelings to you softly in your ear. 

As the song ended, you looked up at Bucky to find his eyes already on you. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do this," he whispered. 

"You have no idea how long I've been wanting you to do this," you replied softly. Now, you swallow a lump in your throat, nervousness rising as you ask, "Did you mean it? The lyrics?"

"Every. Single. Word."

Love settled in your heart before confusion flashed in your eyes.

"Tell me what you're thinking," he said as his hands came up to rest on your cheeks.

"I was just thinking- you said you've been waiting to do this," he nodded. "You could pull any woman you wanted in a heartbeat, why wait on me?" you asked. 

"Because you're more than a woman to me, doll."

Bucky Barnes x Reader Oneshots/Imagines - UnconditionallyWhere stories live. Discover now