Merry Christmas, Darling Part 2

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"Pull in here. It's the house with all of the lights," you point toward your parents' house as Bucky parks on the street in front of the cookie-cutter house. You immediately undo your seatbelt and stretch, shaking off the long 2-hour drive. Bucky pats your thigh his hand has been resting on before taking the keys out of the ignition and gathering your belongings.

"Come on, doll. We're a little late," Bucky taps your shoulder, seeing your eyes fluttering shut.

"Oh, it's fine! My mother probably doesn't even have the table set. Five-minute nap?" You give him your best puppy eyes and pouty lip, making him roll his eyes and smile.

"No nap. Let's go," he says before getting out and opening the trunk. You can hear him unloading the box of gifts onto the ground and grabbing the cooler bag with pies you baked yesterday. When he notices that you're still not moving, he closes the trunk and walks to the passenger door with a heavy sigh.

"You don't need a nap, Y/N. You slept for almost the entire ride," Bucky says.

"What's that? Can't hear you, I'm sleeping," you sass with your eyes closed. There's a long pause, making you think he gave up until you feel hands slowly make their way up your arms. You lightly shiver at the cold vibranium of Bucky's left hand gently holding your neck. You slowly open one eye to glare at Bucky as he leans his head down to you before closing it again.

"What did I say about sassing me, darling?" he whispers, sending shivers down your spine as his lips touch your ear lightly.

"I'm too tired to remember," You play dumb, wanting to push his buttons a little. You feel him get closer to you, body heat radiating from his torso as his hot breath hits your neck.

"Well, I know that's not true," he whispers. "But, in the rare case that it is, maybe I can wake you up." He breathes against you before pressing a slow kiss to your neck. Your breath hitches as you feel him trail his tongue to the sweet spot on your neck before kissing it roughly. He does this a few more times until you can't stand it anymore, shooting your eyes open and pushing him away.

"Okay, okay! I'm awake. Geez, you really had to do that?" you shout sexually frustrated.

"Well, no. But it worked, didn't it?" he replies smugly, grasping your chin in his hands before pressing a kiss to your lips. You feel him smirk into the kiss before pulling away. You roll your eyes and get out of the car, picking up the cooler bag with a huff and walking up the driveway.

"You are so paying for that later," you shout. Bucky laughs behind you and follows you to the front door with the box.

"Y/N/N! Merry Christmas, honey! Come in, come in," your mom pulls you into the house as she turns to greet Bucky. You take the box from Bucky and go set down all of your stuff.

"Merry Christmas, Mrs. L/N. Sorry we're late," Bucky says shyly, trying to conceal his nervousness. Your mom has met Bucky before, but only on Facetime because she "needed to see the boy before she bought presents for him." She chuckles at Bucky's sudden sheepishness and puts a hand on his shoulder.

"Oh! Don't worry, you're right on time. I haven't even set the table yet!" your mom says as you give Bucky an 'I told you so' look. He subtly rolls his eyes before returning his attention to your mom as she begins one of her neverending rambles, leading him to the living room.

You settle in, bringing the pies to the kitchen and getting your old bedroom ready for you and Bucky to spend the night in. Once you're finished, you make your way back to the living room to find your mom still chatting as Bucky listens politely, paying attention to her every word even though it doesn't quite make sense. What a good guy, you think before coming to save him.

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