Chapter 9 (part 1)

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"When are they coming again?" Harumi called to Lloyd from the bathroom. She was washing a giggling Layla in her green, small tub. Lloyd and Harumi's friends, along with their children, were coming over to visit the new baby since Layla was able to have other people around. 

"Uh, in like two hours?" Lloyd replied vacuuming the living room. He was picking up random toys from all over the floor that obstructed the path of the vacuum. Nevertheless, he was still cleaning. 

"Have you cleaned the kitchen yet?" Harumi asked, lifting the wet Abby from the tub and wrapping her into her jade fluffy towel. Layla scowled at her departure from the warm bubbly water. 

"Uh, I thought we agreed that you would do that?" Lloyd poked his head into the hallway to catch Harumi's expression. She scrunched her face in confusion.

"No, we didn't? But we can change places," Lloyd nodded at the suggestion. Harumi handed the baby to Lloyd, and he gave her the vacuum. Both left to complete their jobs.

"Now let's see," Lloyd opened up Layla's dresser, looking for suitable clothes for this event. 

"Oh this is perfect," Lloyd pulled out an emerald puffy dress that was just Lay Lay's size.

After fixing her up, Lloyd booed Layla was a bit hungry, so he placed a big bin on her and gave her a bottle of milk Harumi pumped earlier. Layla gulped it down happily.

"Is she dressed and fed?" Harumi called from the kitchen. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail.

Lloyd showed up in the kitchen with a fully dressed and very happy LayLay in his arms. Harumi smiled, putting the last dish into the dish rack to air dry. 

"There's my beautiful girl," Harumi wrung her hands out to get the water off before taking Layla out of Lloyd's arms. 

"Imma go take a quick shower," Lloyd said, pulling his phone from her pocket. "Cole messaged me that they'll be here in like 30 minutes, and that Seliel is taking too long picking her outfit," 

Harumi chuckled at the last part. She nodded at Lloyd and he left to go take a shower. 

"Well my pretty girl, what should we do now?" Harumi said, bouncing Layla in her arms and leading her into the living room. 

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