Chapter 6

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Lloyd and Harumi sat in the doctor's office, waiting for their names to be called. It had been a few weeks since they got the news that they were pregnant, so they decided to book an appointment with a doctor.

"Harumi Jade?" The receptionist called. A doctor in a white coat stood in front of the door, nodding at the couple. Lloyd and Harumi got up and followed the doctor.

"So you are pregnant, Harumi?" The doctor asked Harumi, who nodded.

"And when did you find out?" The doctor grabbed a piece of paperwork and handed it to Lloyd to fill out.

"Uh, just three weeks ago," The doctor nodded and typed some things into her computer.

"I will take a blood test to see if you are healthy," The doctor grabbed the plate of doctor utensils from her side and prepared to take blood.

Once she finished, she put the blood into a machine to test it.

"It seems like you have high blood pressure," The doctor said, reading the high numbers on the screen. "Avoid drinking coffee and eating salty foods to lower it."

"Okay," Harumi said as she nodded. She was an enthusiastic coffee drinker and a little upset that she had to stop.

"Well, everything else looks fine. I'll see you guys next month." The doctor said, wheeling her chair away from the desk.

The couple said their goodbyes and headed to their car.

"Well, looks like we are actually doing this," Lloyd said, opening the door for Harumi.

"Yup, we are having a baby"

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