the runaway warrio

Start from the beginning

His annoyance seeped into his voice as he defended his response.

Teacher: The question was, "If a monster is charging right at you, what do you do?" and you just simply wrote "Move out of the way" for your answer.

She read the worksheet back to (y/n), disappointed in his answer.

(y/n): well how can you get more detailed than that?

He responded back with the same annoyed voice.

Teacher: You can always give more details. Other students have and so you should be able to as well.

She once again told him in a disappointing voice, making (y/n)'s annoyance grow.

(y/n): look, can I just do this worksheet with the rest of my homework.

He responded back, annoyed by the conversations. He hoped that this would end it.

Teacher: oh yes you can do that.

She said back, making (y/n) sigh in relief.

Teacher: as well with the 7 other homework I'll be giving you.

She quickly stated, causing immense shock to course through (y/n)'s body.

(y/n): 7 other homework assignments! You only just give me 2! So why are you giving me 7 extra, making me do 10 homework!

His fist clenched as his nostrils flared as he stared at his teacher. He couldn't believe she'd just give him 7 more homework to do.

Teacher: So you can become a better student and take this more seriously. Your parents and many others expect you to one day be an example for the future generations, just like the 7 legendary heroes.

She said in a stern voice, causing (y/n) to look down at the ground, his eyes flickering.

Teacher: Now get going, your training class awaits you.

She said to him, (y/n) walked heads to the door while a heavy sigh escaped his lips.

Time skip

In the outside yard of the school, the sun scoured the land with its burning heat rays, causing many to sweat though not stopping anyone from continuing their training. dummies lined up horizontally. Students sat on the sideline with wooden swords in hands while other students practiced with wooden swords by swinging at the dummies. The sword teacher walked around his student, looking over them to see if they were using the sword right.

Sword teacher: remember students to always hold your sword with a stern grip at all times and to not slash blindly. Try not to be sloppy with the sword.

The teacher said with a serious voice. (y/n) stood in front of one with a wooden sword in his hand that sweated heavily, making his grip a bit slippery yet trying his best to keep a stern grip. He raised the sword above his head, striking down on the dummy, though it was too slow and sloppy. Letting go of the sword for a bit to whip the sweat off his head with his arm. Then holding the sword like a bat, he prepared to swing the sword like a bat. Swing it, but then stopping mid air as someone grabbed it before he could land a blow. (y/n) looked at the person who grabbed his sword, only to see that it was his sword teacher.

Sword teacher: mister (y/n), what did i say?

He said with his cheeks pulled tight, devoid of a smile, causing (y/n) to tense up.

(y/n): um, to... not, um. Hm, to not use the sword like a bat?

He said as his body tensed up even more. His sword teacher stared him down, he sighed in disappointment.

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