I'm sick of this. I gave Asma a look which indicated Plan B.

Asma let go of Taehyung's hand and spoke up "I think we should split up."

"Split up?! What did I do wrong?!"

Taehyung's face showed total misunderstanding, but it was funny.

"I thought we were going so well Asma, we are so good together!"

We all immediately started giggling at Taehyung who didn't get that Asma meant to split up the group just for this outing and not their relationship.

I saw the smirks still plastered on Jimin and Laura's face. It was nice seeing those two a little happy for once, even if it wasn't because of each other. However, they soon went back to their miserable faces.

Because of Taehyung's forgetfulness we didn't split up so we went to plan C.

Jungkook announced that there was an order we had to get at the flower shop. A bouquet of a dozen roses for the working noonas at BigHit for their hard work this summer.

Jungkook's POV

I gave Jimin the order on a receipt.
He went into the flower shop leaving us alone with Laura.

I poked her side "So how are you and the big dummy?" I gestured towards the shop.

"If you mean Jimin then I don't know, he still hasn't spoken to me."

I exchanged looks with the girls and Taehyung who nodded me on for plan C.

I reached into my pocket.

"Uh...Laura. I have another flower order for pickup. Can you go in and get it."

She sighed "Sure" before snatching it from my hand and following Jimin's path into the florist.

Laura's POV

The thing about flowers is, they don't actually smell great.

When people claim that flowers smell sweet it's a lie. They just smell earthy and bland.

I was stunned out of my thoughts about the myth of flower smells when I saw him.

He heard me enter the store by the dinging noise and was just staring at me. His eyes didn't look hurt. They looked sad.

For this short moment I felt liking running up to him and holding him tight, apologising and willing to forget everything that happened.

But then I thought hey, I'm leaving soon. Perhaps it just wasn't meant to be. Maybe I should just stick it out and remain calm. Just leave him on good terms. He won't stay stubborn forever.

I ignored him by avoiding his eye contact and placed the piece of paper on the counter.

We both waited a very long 20 seconds before someone showed up to the counter.

A tall man with muddy fingers tapped on Jimin's receipt leaving soil marks before heading to the back of the store.

"I'll find your order in the back." He walked through a doorway, leaving Jimin and I alone for a few moments.

Jimin's POV

"Look Laura, I'm sorry okay. All I want to say is...you weren't there for me. I get that Miranda is going through boy troubles but what about us? What about-"

Laura's POV

His words cut through my heart.


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