"Certainly, Mr. Oudenhuysen. I'll contact Mr. Vasiri as soon as you leave." 

"Good, it's time for me to leave."

Knijster walked towards him and extended his hand. Oudenhuysen shook his hand, and instantly, he found himself no longer in his villa in Uzés but in front of the entrance gate of the headquarters. They were no longer on the continent of Midbad but on the Bunta island of Filias. Pivanu's headquarters were located in the vast forest of Filias. Knijster couldn't directly bring Oudenhuysen into the headquarters because there was a large magical shield around the base, preventing kobolds from transporting anyone inside. 

On the gate and the battlements, various Pivanu members were positioned. Oudenhuysen looked up and made eye contact with the gang member at the top of the gate. This gang member held a large iron rod, tapping it once loudly on the ground. After this signal, several gang members went into action to open the gate.

Not long after, the gate opened, and Oudenhuysen walked inside the headquarters with Knijster. A gang member quickly approached Oudenhuysen. 

"We didn't expect you back so soon, Mr. Oudenhuysen. Your chambers are being prepared. Can I assist you with anything in the meantime?" 

This gang member's name was Yarich. He had been a loyal member of Pivanu for more than fifteen years and had never disappointed Oudenhuysen.

"My chambers can wait, Yarich. I am heading to the council chamber with Knijster. When I arrive, it would be pleasant if tea is ready. Inform Duriël and Ryko that I have arrived. I would appreciate it if they stop whatever they are currently doing. I expect them to come to the council chamber as soon as possible. I want to speak with them. During this conversation, I do not wish to be disturbed by anyone." 

"Very well, Mr. Oudenhuysen. I'll get to it right away."

In the courtyard, as always, there is a lot of activity. Recruits are engaged in their training. At the moment, targets are set up, and recruits are practicing with bows and arrows. In the distance, Oudenhuysen sees another group of recruits practicing with their nunchucks.Recruits undergo extensive training. The headquarters serves partly as a school to prepare their members as effectively as possible. They receive training in various combat techniques. They also learn about the different herbs and poisons on the planet Mysterix, how to behave in social circles, and the art of disguise. They learn the political structure of Mysterix with one goal: to increase Pivanu's influence. After years of training, recruits leave the headquarters. They become part of a political house and serve there for years. However, they have a secret agenda: to advance Pivanu's goals.

The best recruits don't join a house. They stay in the headquarters and are sent on specific missions to subtly change the political balance on the planet Mysterix. The organization gradually grows in power, but according to Oudenhuysen, it's too slow. Finding the gemstone will allow for more targeted efforts. He needs to make Duriël and Ryko understand that finding the gemstone is crucial for Pivanu's interests.Oudenhuysen, accompanied by Knijster, reaches the end of the courtyard. They arrive at two large doors built into a mountain. The headquarters primarily utilizes the mountain. There's the entrance gate with a stone wall guarded day and night. Then there's the courtyard where recruits train and horses are maintained. All other Pivanu activities take place inside the mountain. This entrance is guarded by a few sentinels, mainly in case an organized gang manages to breach the walls.

Very few people are aware of the existence of the Pivanu organization, let alone the location of their headquarters. However, there are a few groups that pose a real threat to them. Pivanu is not the only organization with its headquarters on one of the Bunta Islands. Several ninja orders have their bases on the islands, where they train recruits. Due to ninjas often operating in noble courts to carry out their missions, several orders have crossed paths with the Pivanu organization.

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