The Rule Game- Part Three

Start from the beginning

13- ooo, I wonder if we have ghosts!

Yaz- don't- I'm still yet to recover from the mannequins

Kate- oh please, we were never in any real danger

Yaz- yes, but how long until that changes?

[They all go quiet]

13- she's got a point. Do we really know what we're getting ourselves into?

[They all get ready for bed]

Yaz- [kicks the top bunks mattress from underneath]

13- [squeals] stop that!

Yaz- [giggles]

13- Is that why you wanted the bottom bunk? To torment me!

Yaz- [laughs] maybe

Kate- quiet down! Some of us are trying to read!

Osgood- [sits down on the bed next to her] I've been meaning to ask...where did you get a library card from at such short notice?

Kate- I didn't

Osgood- you..didn't?

Kate- you don't need one for studying perpouses. It says so on the-

Osgood- Kate, it also says you cannot, under any circumstances take a book back to your dorm unless you have a card

Kate- WHAT N-n-no no no! I have to put it back-

13- what's going on? [Pulls off her unicorn sleeping mask]

Yaz- Kate...did you break a rule? [Smiles, getting out of bed]

Kate- I...I didn't mean to-

Yaz- You broke a rule! You broke a rule without getting caught! [Jumps up and down]

Kate- I...oh, yes...I suppose I did

13- Kate, that won

Kate- I won...

Osgood- [squeals] you won!

[Room 106]

[Jack, Ianto, 9 and Mickey are all sitting on the floor in a circle. Ianto's holding a torch]

Ianto- hello

9- [laughs] Hello

Jack- Hi?

Ianto- I have a plan

9- do tell

Jack- is anyone else getting cult vibes right now-

9- what an odd thing to say

Jack- It's just- we might as well be holding hands-

Mickey- Ew no, your hands are sweaty!

Jack- that's because I work out [He flexes his muscles]

Ianto- doing 10 pull ups on the side of our bunk bed does not count as 'working out'

9- why were you counting?

Ianto- I er-

9- but 10?! That's pretty good-

Jack- thank you

Mickey- I could easily do twice as many-

9- [laughs] go on then!

Mickey- I- I'm too tired at the moment

9- sure you are...

Ianto- everyone shush! Have you forgotten why we're here?

Jack- actually...yes

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