It's Nature to Want More; It's Human to Need More(25)

Start from the beginning

The silence of the room was thick and I could tell he was uncomfortable, well if he wants to just stand there and take in what's become of his "beloved nephew" he's fucking welcome. Just taking in the freak show. I bit out to Bill, letting all the seeping anger I felt bleed into my expression.

They are the freak show, you are a masterpiece to be beheld. They are nothing. Bill was every bit as angry as I felt. His voice in my thoughts strengthened the burning feeling in my rib cage that I wished I could spit out as venom at Stan and all of them. They will shatter in your wake once they see what you are truly capable of with the right support. I will happily give you everything to crush them under your heel.

Stan cleared his throat, running his palms down his shirt which should have been washed weeks ago. "Dipper." He said more confidently this time, "I am sorry. For everything Ford has done."

Ice water poured over the spitting fire, hollowing out my gut. "What?" I choked out, my voice was wrecked, my throat stung just trying to speak.

"He went too far. We all went too far, so I'm sorry."

"I don't understand," I was fucking reeled, "If your so sorry then do something about it." If I could I would have gestured down my broken and bruised form, "Words aren't gonna stop this or fix it."

Stan was nodding along? "I know, kid." He looked physically hurt when he took in my face again, "I know."

The fire came back with a roar, confusion and frustration clamoring for space in my lungs. Bill's presence pressed closer, stoking the flames quietly even though he couldn't hear the conversation. "You know." I spit back, closing my eyes against it all. It's all too much.

"I made a deal with Bill. I will bring down the weirdness field tonight. I wanted to come tell you before I left."

The world spun too quickly as I snapped my eyes back open, whipping my head forwards sending everything around me lurching. No wait, that was my stomach that lurched up into my mouth, "What." I grasped trying not to hurl. This was cruel, so cruel, how could he even know to say something like that. What kind of tactic was this now? My head screamed louder and my heart pound harder at the idea, already falling for Ford's newest trick.

"I need to leave soon, but I can't leave without... saying something to you." He continued, like I wasn't fucking spiraling.

You're still there?

Is it true?! Please Bill. Help me, their- He said, Stan-

Dipper. My name on his tongue ground down on my inside, keeping my guts at the top of my throat. Senseless pleas drowned out the rest of my thoughts. I can feel the ground slipping from under me. If he's telling you about the deal, it's true we made a deal-

You didn't tell me? That actually hurt more, ripped sharpened claws through my heart, then Stan lying about it.

Only if he went back on the deal, I couldn't risk getting your hopes up only for him to betray us. I am sorry I kept it from you, it was just yesterday at the old shack. He brings the field down for us and I come to you. I am coming for you Dipper. I promise you that with every fiber of my being. He sounded so sure, so confident.

Stan looked so shaken. "I'm going now. I truly am sorry, I never thought he could go this far." Slowly he backed out of the room, leaving the light on.


I'd come down from the shock of the news just in time for Ford to slam his way into the room, effectively shutting off all other forms of thought I might have had.

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