“ Elsa tell the Alpha that I don't need the clothes that I'm okay with the one he gave me before ” Ashina said and saw the girl shook her head and then got down on her knees immediately and she frowned.

“ Please missz Alpha said that if you didn't accept the clothes that he's going to kill me please I don't want to die ” Elsa said with fear written all over her face.

Jeez ! He's so cruel by threatening to kill the poor girl if she didn't accept the clothes ’ Thought Ashina to herself.

“ Alright get up on your feets ” Ashina said as she help the girl stand up on her feets “ Give me the clothes ” She said as she didn't want the girl to die because of her.

Ashina knew that Jayden meant what he said if she didn't accept the clothes.

Since when did he start giving her clothes to wear ?

Just what did he want from her this time ?

“ Thank you miss ” Elsa said and she gave Ashina the clothes and she turned around and left immediately and Ashina closed the door as she walked towards the bed and she spread the clothes on it and her eyes got wide by the stunning looking red dress.

Just by the looks of it alone it must have costs a fortune.

Ashina wondered when he bought the dress and why did he give to her ?

Since when did he starts buying dresses for her ?

Or had he bought the dress before she had arrived to the mansion ?

Ashina didn't want to accept the dress from Elsa, she didn't want to accept things from Jayden again but seeing the fearful look on the girl's face she couldn't let her die because of her.

She had wanted to wear her pj's but then she remembered Dexter telling her not to provoke the Alpha if she didn't wear what he gave to her so she changed her mind as she put on the red dress.

Thirty minutes later.....

Jayden stood beside his blue Rolls Royce car making a call. He was dressed in a royal blue shirt over a black slim fit trouser.

He left two buttons on his shirt unhooked revealing his taut muscled chest and the crescent moon tattoo. He had his back turned towards the mansion when Ashina came outside and saw him making a call.

She stood there watching him as she thought of how to approach him. She took a deep breath and was about to take the first step when he turned around to look at her and she gasped holding her breath as though being caught red-handed.

Jayden had just finished making his call when he felt like he was being watched and he turned around only to find his mate staring at him but she immediately looked away.

Jayden looked away from her for some seconds but then he looked back at her almost immediately as if he had missed something. He watched as she walked on the golden marble floor as her hips swayed from side to side.

He was short of words to say as his eyes were glued to her. The red dress he had gotten for her was perfect on her slim petite body and flawless white skin.

Her hair was weaved to one side of her neck bringing out her pretty round face. She had no makeup or jewelries on her but Jayden could swear that in his entire life he had never seen someone as beautiful as she was.

She was stunningly beautiful.

Without him realizing that he was holding his breath and he continue to watch her as she approached him one step at a time. Not once had he taken his eyes from her unable to look away, it was as if he was put under a spell but just when she looked up at him he immediately looked away from her and pretend to be staring at his watch.

The Alphaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن