One of the guard held Bel and another guard held Chloe as they began to pull them out of the mansion.

“ What ? Wait ! Please listen to us we are telling the truth, please we just need to see Ray and free him off the spell that's all please ” Chloe said struggling to get out from the tight hold of the guard pulling her and she glared at him “ let go of me you brute ” She said as she bit his hand and the the guard yelled as he let go of her and Chloe began to run back to meet the Lord hoping to talk some sense into his thick head but unfortunately she was grabbed again by the guard.

And then Ray finally came out from his room with sleepy eyes. It appears that he was sleeping and the noise coming from the living room had woken him up.

“ What's going on here ” He asked his father with a confused expression on his face.

“ Oh good that you're here Ray, these two girls claimed that they are your class mate from school and they said that you're under a spell ” Tristan said.

“ Spell ? ” Ray said with furrowed brows and he looked at the two girls being dragged away ” Wait ” He told the guards and they halted immediately.

Chloe and Bel finally breathed a sigh of relief and they pulled out their hands out the guards holds glaring at them.

“ Don't you remember us Ray, we're Ashina’s friend from school ” Belsaid and Ray's frown increased.

“ I don't remember meeting you guys anywhere ” He said and Chloe and Bel looked at themselves in confusion.

“ Don't you remember Ashina ” Chloe asked again but Ray shook his head in denial.

‘ This is not good ’ Chloe thought in her mind.

Not only that that Witch girl cast a spell on him but she also made him forget about them.

Shit !

Now Lord Tristan would see them as liars and lock them up in the cell but she won't let that happen.

She was going to make Ray remember them no matter the cost so that when they get back to school on monday they would tell him about what happened to Ashina.

And just as she thought the Lord ordered for them to be locked up in the cell.

“ Seize them and lock them up immediately ” He said with anger laced in his voice “ I'm done with you two scheming lies to my face ”

“ Wait ? Ray don't you feel a little strange with your body, didn't you notice any difference in you ” Chloe said when they were being taken away by the guards who were now pulling them forcefully.

“ Let me go, I can walk by my self ” Bel said to the guard who was pulling her but the guard only held her tighter with his Vampire strength.

“ No, I don't feel anything except from the headache I'm having now because of the noise that was coming here in living room while I was having my beauty sleep ” Ray said.

F*ck ! Chloe cursed in her mind.

Seeing that they were almost getting close to the door that led to the cell she looked at Ray and her eyes turned white “ You gave me no choice ” She said and uttered the spell to free him “ Alohomora Gahiflahibius Fendrolumous Expelsectum ”.

The moment she finished uttering the spell they were both thrown into the cell and locked up.

“ Arrrgh ” Chloe groaned as she kicked the bars in anger “ I should have known that Witch girl did more than putting a spell on him ” She said.

“ What are you talking about ” Bel asked with ceased brows as she sat with her hands in-between her legs and her back resting on the cold wall.

“ That Witch girl also casted a spell on Ray so he wouldn't remember us that's why he couldn't remember Ashina in class on friday ” Chloe said and sat beside Bel.

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