“ Wait... That can't be all ” Chloe said with a slight frown on her face.

“ That's all...We parted after we told each other our names ” Ashina said.

“ What else did you want to hear Chloe ? ” Bel said in a bored tone.

“ I thought....”

“ You thought what ? ”

“ Never mind ”

“ Today I waved at him in class but he just ignored me ” Ashina said.

“ Really he did that ” Bel asked.

“ Yeah ”

“ Must be why he didn't come to the cafe today ” Chloe said as she looked around but there was no sign of him anywhere.

“ Something is wrong ” Ashina said and sighed as she rested her on the table and covered her head with hands.

“ Probably he made new friends ” Bel said.

“ That can't be a reason why he would ignore me like that, I mean he approached me first and I thought...”

“ Hey... Don't think about it too much he will come around later ” Chloe said patting her back gently as she munched on her pizza.

“ Hmm ” She hummed.

“ There are plenty of cute guys around you could...” Bel said but she was cut short by Ashina’s next words.

“ I don't want any of them ”

“ How do you know if you won't give it a try ”

“ Bel let her be ” Chloe said.

“ What ? I'm trying to cheer her up ” Bel said and she ate her sandwich.

Ashina pouted her lips as she thought of when Ray ignored her in class thankfully no one saw it or else she would have been embarrassed.

“ Hey, heads up moron ” Ashina heard someone said to her and she raised up her head to see three girls standing behind her.

Obviously the black haired girl standing in the front of two other girls crossing her arms was a witch judging from her black round eyes and the red haired girl standing on her left was a vampire as she glared at her with her piercing red eyes.

While the short silver haired girl on her right was also a witch. Ashina recognized the black haired girl with crossed arms from yesterday who glared at her after Ray left.

“ Hey who the hell are you calling moron ” Chloe fired back, she was also a witch.

“ Shut up slut, this is none of your business ” The red haired girl said as she bared her fangs at Chloe.

“ Did you just call me a slut ? ” Chloe said wanting to stand up and attack the red haired girl but Ashina quickly held her hand and shook her head telling her not to.

“ Who the hell are you guys anyway ” Ashina said when she turned towards their direction.

“ Sorry, we are not here for any introduction ” The black haired girl said and she walked closer to Ashina “ Just stay away from Ray and even if you try to talk to him again he would still ignore you just the way he did today in class as long as I have him under my spell....Lets go girls” She said and they all left.

“ How dare she use her spell on Ray when he met you first ” Chloe said after the three girls left and her black eyes glittered in anger as she stared angrily at the red haired girl who had called her a slut. She was fuming mad as her hand turned fist and made some crackling sound.

“ I knew something was wrong ” Ashina said after she regained herself.

“ She was the one behind all this ” Bel said as she narrowed her red eyes at the girls who had taken a seat close to the window of the cafe and then they saw Ray walked into the cafe and he sat together with the girls without even glancing at their side.

It was obvious that he was under a spell.

“ She wasn't lying when she said that she had him under her spell ” Chloe said gritting her teeth.

“ We have to do something about it guys ” Ashina said as she hit her fist on the table angrily.

“ After school we will follow him and when he's alone Chloe will break the spell on him with her powers ” Bel said.

“ Are you sure those fools won't keep an eye on him ” Chloe said.

“ We will have to be very careful ” Ashina said.


Alpha Jayden's park....

Somewhere around the city in a beautiful mansion painted with gold and white. In an exquisitely modernized living room a man with shinning black hair about six feet tall stood in front of a floor to ceiling window which was facing the beautiful colourful garden.

He was still in his black PJs. He had one hand in his pocket and his other hand held a glass cup of water and when he lowered his head down a bit his hair fell over his face as his cold lips touched the edge of the glass and he sipped some water which he gulped down his throat.

His yellow eyes scrutinized the forest not to far from the mansion and he felt like running through the woods and feeling the wind against his fur. He could feel his beast clawing against his chest wanting to be let out so they could go find their mate.

Jayden had been holding himself back ever since the moon goddess cursed them after the war. He had refused to accept a human, the weakest of all creatures as his mate.

His twin brother Kayden who didn't have a problem with the humans had already found his mate and had introduced her as the Luna of his park members.

Among the two of them, he was the sturbborn yet hot tempered one. Jayden always get angry for little things and his park members knew not to anger him or they will be punished ruthlessly.

The last werewolf who angered him was being strangled to death by his powerful huge claws on its neck after his limbs were broken with a deep gashing wound on it's neck and back.

Ever since that day every werewolf knew not to cross his path whenever their Alpha was not in a good mood.

Curse the moon goddess for punishing them for their father's sin and mating him with a human.

Jayden closed his eyes and took a deep breath and when he opened his eyes they were pitch black and when he blinked them again they returned back to yellow.

[ GET OVER HERE NOW !!! ] Jayden said through mind link to his Beta as he kept the glass cup on the coffee table beside him and he slipped both hands into his pockets.

Not up to two minutes, a young man with brown hair walked into the living room. He was still wearing his PJs too and he came to stand beside Jayden as he bowed his head a little.

“ Yes Alpha ” He said. He was as tall as Jayden.

“ Get the warriors ready we are going to search for my mate ” Jayden said without looking at him and the Beta frowned. He

“ Huh ” He said.

“ I will not repeat myself twice ”

“ Alpha but she's human ”

“ Whether human or not she's still my mate ”

“ Alpha are you really going to....”

“ Ryder are you questioning your Alpha ?? ” Jayden said as he turned his head and looked at his Beta letting out a low growl but Ryder quickly shook his head.

“ No Alpha, I will get the warriors prepared ” He said and left and Jayden resumed back in looking at the forest.

He had already made up his mind to look for his mate but he was not going to love her. He would just keep her by his side because of the mate bond so his wolf would stop clawing at his chest to be let out.

“ I'm coming to get you wherever you are ” He said.


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