Chapter Seven

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"Y/n Merlin!"

Dumbledore yelled. He looked up from the parchment into the burning eyes he knew were waiting for him. Y/n sat there, breathing heavily, unmoving.

Pansy's food fell out of her mouth, "Holy shit."

Draco realized the girl wasn't moving, so he tapped her back. He didn't understand what was going on. For someone so adamant about hating the games, how did she put her name in?

Y/n felt the light tap on her back and stood up quickly. She saw that Harry hadn't moved from in front of Dumbledore, so she slowly made her way toward him. Dumbledore once again met those eyes of fire. Fear was written all over her face. There was no way she willingly put her name in.

The Headmaster urged the two students toward the door before any more complaints could be thrown their way. They both just kept staring at the small, ripped, piece of parchment in their hands. Their names were clearly written. Y/n was the first to snap out of it, anger taking over.

She marched over to Harry at the same time as Dumbledore,

"Did you put our names in the Goblet of Fire?" She yelled at him.

Dumbledore took a step back to observe the interaction instead of reprimanding Harry himself.

Harry looked up at the girl confused.

"I'm not old enough, I couldn't have put anyone's name in the Goblet. And most certainly not mine or yours."

The girl seemed to relax at his answer, but her anger was still simmering. Looking to Dumbledore for help she found he was already staring at her. For all he could see, was her burning eyes. The red seemed to get brighter as her anger festered. This intrigued Dumbledore more than anything, but it would have to wait. He looked to the professors around him for answers.

Madame Maxime was the first to speak,

"Well of course he is lying."

And from out of nowhere, Moody appeared. Y/n's anger began to rise even more, she couldn't stand that man.

"The hell he is. The goblet of fire is an exceptionally powerful magical object, only an exceptionally powerful conjurer could have hoodwinked it. Magic way beyond the talents of a fourth year." Moody explained.

This made Igor Karkaroff scoff,

"You seem to have given this a fair bit of thought Mad-Eye."

This statement made Y/n realize, he did know a lot about the object and its powers. Enough to have done something himself. Could he have been the cloaked figure? She gave him a glare that did not go unnoticed by the professor. Even with all his confidence, he could not withstand the burning glare of the girl. If looks could kill, he would have been burnt to a crisp right then and there. He looked away from the girl and turned his attention back to Igor,

"It was once my job to think as dark wizards do Karkaroff, perhaps you remember?"

The explanation gave Y/n no comfort, yet it did make her take a step back. She remembered a conversation her parents had before her departure to Hogwarts. One she listened to from atop the stairs...


Her mom was pacing the living room. Her dad was sitting on the couch watching her go back and forth. They were talking about something called the "Triwizard Tournament", some sort of game being held this year. Y/n listened intently from the top of the stairs. Her mother sighed,

"These games are dangerous Honey. If we had known they were happening, I would have kept her in America for another year." Her mother could not stop pacing, even while talking,

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