Chapter Six

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It had been two days since that Defense Against the Dark Arts class, and Y/n could not shake the awful feeling she had whenever Moody was around. There was something... off about him. Y/n hated that she couldn't figure out exactly what it was, but she had a feeling it involved the drink that filled Moody's flask.

For two days Y/n and Pansy ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner together. The girls couldn't have gotten along better, and it made Y/n feel much more comfortable. She hadn't got a chance to see Harry, Hermione, or Ron in the first couple of days unless it was during class or from across the Great Hall. She wished that she had more of a chance to be friends with them, but something told her that Ron strongly disliked that idea.

So today, like every other day, Pansy and Y/n sat with each other at dinner. Pansy turned the conversation towards the Triwizard Tournament that would begin tomorrow after the champions were chosen tonight. Y/n rolled her eyes,

"That tournament is nothing short of a death trap Pansy, I for one am glad that we are too young to enter. I would never risk my life for money, or glory, or whatever it is they promised." She finished with a scoff.

Pansy nodded her head, "I agree, but we are also people who do not need those things. We already have money and fame. Other people don't, and they see the tournament as one of the only ways to get there. So I don't think we would ever understand. Unless we were in their shoes."

Y/n took the statement in and realized Pansy was right. She would never understand the want to sacrifice herself for money or glory because she already had it. Y/n smiled at Pansy,

"Sometimes you really impress me P."

At the mention of a new nickname Pansy looked up and smiled, but before she could continue the conversation they were interrupted. Draco slammed himself down next to Y/n making her flinch. He saw her reaction and couldn't help but smirk,

"Lovely evening today ladies, and might I say you both look gorgeous."

Y/n and Pansy looked at each other, took in their plain old robes from the school day, and turned back to Draco,

"Well I must say, you look mighty average today Malfoy. Maybe try harder tomorrow, yah?" Pansy exclaimed.

Y/n snorted out a laugh, but quickly controlled herself. Draco didn't seem to mind the girls teasing, in fact, he seemed in a great mood tonight. Something that Y/n has only seen, well never. She looked at the blond boy with confusion,

"And why are you so cheerful tonight Malfoy?"

It was Draco's turn to look at Y/n with confusion,

"The champions are being chosen tonight, why wouldn't I be excited? This whole year we get to see them fight to the death over some stupid prizes. That is enough to keep me happy all year long." The boy explained.

Somehow, Y/n doubted that Draco could stay happy for even a few minutes, let alone a whole year. She could see Pansy forming a response to Draco's explanation, but before she could speak, a hush fell over the hall.

Dumbledore stood over the Goblet of Fire, waiting for everyone's attention. Y/n finally noticed just how packed the Great Hall was. Durmstrang and Beauxbatons were both present, creating an even larger crowd than normal.

Draco's excitement was palpable behind her as she turned to face Dumbledore, somehow not being able to bring herself to match his excitement. A game of death was not one she was interested in.

Dumbledore looked around the room and began his speech,

"The moment you have all been waiting for, the champion selection!"

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