ERROR 404 V.S. Blue screen

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**None One POV (Fighting):**

Error 404 advanced with menacing purpose, his shadow claws morphing into darkened appendages ready to strike. With calculated precision, he aimed a flurry of slashes towards Blue Screen, each one imbued with malevolent energy. Blue Screen braced himself, preparing to counter the onslaught.

Suddenly, a tumultuous wind erupted, swirling around the combatants with the force of a raging storm. Error 404's attacks faltered momentarily as he struggled to maintain his balance amidst the tempestuous gusts. Sensing an opportunity, Blue Screen summoned a potent wave of air, channeling it towards his adversary.

The blast struck Error 404 head-on, propelling him backward with incredible force. Like a projectile launched across vast distances, Error 404 soared through the air, carried by the sheer momentum of the impact. He hurtled across the battlefield, tumbling uncontrollably until he crashed onto the ground with a resounding thud.

As Error 404 lay sprawled on the ground, momentarily stunned by the force of the blow, Blue Screen seized the opportunity to intervene. With swift movements, he scooped up the unconscious form of Brown, his actions betraying a sense of urgency. Without hesitation, Blue Screen activated his teleportation abilities, vanishing from sight in a flash of light.

**??? POV:**

Damnit! The cleaning bot!!!

Frustration boiled within me as I watched Blue Screen and his unexpected rescue of Brown. The situation had escalated beyond my control, and I cursed the interference of the enigmatic figure known as Blue Screen. Despite my best efforts, my plans had been thwarted once again.

With a sense of defeat gnawing at my core, I retreated into the shadows, vowing to regroup and strategize anew. Blue Screen may have won this round, but the game was far from over. I would bide my time, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike back and reclaim what was rightfully mine.

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