The toilet killer...

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**Brown POV:**

With the last skibidi toilet lying defeated on the ground, I turned my attention to the other cameramen gathered around. Among them, I spotted a figure that sent a jolt of recognition through me—it was my past self. The realization of my own presence in this past timeline filled me with a strange mix of emotions.

As I approached, I could sense the apprehension radiating from the other cameramen, their fear palpable in the air. But I had no intention of harming them. Ignoring their wary glances, I walked past them, heading straight for my past self.

However, my path was blocked by two other cameramen, their stance defiant as they stood in my way. Despite their lack of fear, I could see a hint of sadness in their eyes—a silent acknowledgment of the gravity of the situation. With a heavy heart, I bypassed them, taking to the skies with my jetpack.

Looking back one last time, I couldn't help but feel a pang of regret. But there was no time for dwelling on the past. I had a mission to fulfill, and nothing would stand in my way.

**Past Brown POV:**

As I surveyed the aftermath of the massacre, I couldn't help but feel a sense of disbelief at the carnage before me. The man responsible for this devastation stood among us, his presence a silent reminder of the horrors we had witnessed.

Gathering my fellow cameramen, I made my way back to report what had transpired. It was a grim task, but one that needed to be done. As we departed, I offered a silent word of thanks to the mysterious figure who had intervened, sparing us from certain death.

**Brown POV (again):**

Flying through the city, I couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment that gnawed at me. The absence of a new quest left me feeling adrift, unsure of my purpose in this strange new world. But there was no time to dwell on such thoughts. I had a duty to fulfill, and I would not rest until it was done.

**??? POV:**

Observing from the shadows, I couldn't help but feel a sense of intrigue at the unexpected turn of events. This figure named Brown, whom I had created as a villain, had somehow transcended time itself. It was a development that warranted further investigation, but for now, I had other matters to attend to.

With a subtle nod, I returned to my own endeavors, the mystery of Brown lingering in the back of my mind like a tantalizing puzzle waiting to be solved.

(((I hope you like it!)))

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