Chapter 1: Announcement

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It was a peaceful day in the PrideLands and Kion was walking to the watering hole. Suddenly Kion heard his name being called from behind him. “Kion?”. Kion turned around to see who called him when he realised that it was his father. “Oh hi dad” Kion said smiling. “Kion I need to talk to you about something very important” Simba said to his son. “Ok what is it?” Kion asked curiously. “The King and Queen of the Tree Of Life will be arriving tomorrow to renew our peace treaty” Simba replied. “Oh wow that’s amazing dad, what are their names ” Kion said. “The king is called (Sahasi) and the Queen is called (Ananda)” Simba said, “They also have a daughter who is 1 year younger than you, her name is (Rani)” Simba added. “Wow this is great, I hope I can be friends with Rani” Kion said excitedly. Simba looked at his son with a smirk. Kion saw his dad smirking at him and said “NO DAD I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE THINKING, AND IT’S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN” Kion shouted. Simba just chuckled at his son. “Well go and get some rest, I want you and the Lion Guard to welcome them into the PrideLands tomorrow” Simba explained to Kion. “Alright dad, I’ll make sure that they reach Pride Rock safely” Kion said to his father. Kion went into Pride Rock and fell asleep.

The next day Kion woke up and immediately went into the Lion Guard lair to tell his friends about their mission today. “Hey guys” Kion said as he entered the lair. “Oh hey Kion” Fuli said. “Guys today we have special guests coming to the PrideLands ” Kion said. “Really? Who are they?” Ono asked as he flew down from his nest. “They are the King and Queen of The Tree Of Life, they are coming to renew the peace treaty with the PrideLands” Kion explained to his friends. “Poa” Beshte said smiling. “That’s UNBUNGALIEVABLE” Bunga said as he started jumping up and down. “When will they arrive?” Fuli asked. “They should arrive in the next 2 hours or so” Kion said.

“In the mean time we should go on our morning patrol” Kion said. “Alright, let’s go” Beshte said as he stood up from his pool in the Lion Guard Lair.

Hey guys, this is my first try at writing a Lion Guard fanfic, I really hope you guys enjoy this story. I’ll add 1 chapter every week, I’ll sometimes to try and upload 2 chapters in a week, but that will be hard because I plan to make these chapters long, with each chapter going between (1000 & 1500) words each. Some chapter might be shorter due to the fact that I already have a whole plan for this story and some chapters will be shorter so I can start faster on the chapters that will be longer and more interesting.
Plz share this story with your friends and leave some ideas in the comments below. :)
Srry for the first chapter for being so short this is just a view of what will happen, as we know the king and Queen of The Tree Of Life will arrive, but will things go as they hope???

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