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The Central Few watched as Jackson's corpse shambled into the middle of the circle of their Thrones. Vincent, Edward, and John all sat in silence before John spoke up, furious at Edward.

"I thought you said they couldn't kill him! That his Shroud made it impossible!"

Edward nodded, resting his head lazily in his hand as he leaned toward John. "Indeed. But impossible by Anubis's standards does not mean impossible by the standards of another. Those two were not of Anubis's ilk. They live by entirely different power standards than Anubis's creations. And yet..." He stared off into space, smiling.

Vincent pulled a pocket watch out of his robes and cleared his throat. "Gentlemen, before we fight amongst ourselves, how about we focus on the matter at hand." He closed the pocket watch. "This...Jinx snuck in and freed Ben from right under our noses, with our nephew no less. Then he evaded capture by our guards in the Ruined City. And now he has killed one of us."

The two looked at Vincent, John only seemed angrier while Edward looked as unconcerned as usual. Edward spoke up again. "And yet we must also take into consideration the factors at hand." He gestured at their brother's lifeless body. "Jackson was easily our weakest link, his ego getting the better of him. But we who remain must be stronger, fueled with the power of our righteous fury, untainted by the drive of vengeance." Edward smiled wider, a cold and predatory grin.

John scowled at Edward, pointing a finger at him accusingly. "You could've sent one of your pets to help him. And yet here you sit, looking happy about the death of our little brother. Well I won't stand for it." John pointed at a nearby servant and had them fetch a tub of black goo, before he turned back to the other two. "You may think this is over, but we all know Ben won't stop. He'll send that pathetic skeleton after us again and again until we're all extinguished." John weakly lifted himself off of his throne and into the tub of black goo, completely submerging himself.

When the goo was absorbed by John, he eventually got up and walked off, covered in his Shroud.

Vincent looked at Edward, reaching a hand into his robes and pulling out a box. "I assume it is up to us to investigate this strange mutation then?" Vincent was, of course, referring to the centipede Jackson had become in his final moments. Edward kept smiling, taking the box from his brother's hand and opening it to reveal knives of various sizes.

"Why, of course. It would be foolish to believe this was a one-time event." Edward pushed a button on his chair and was immediately covered in his Shroud, the black goo falling from above. His green eyes glowed maliciously as he stared at Jackson's corpse, bringing out a large knife from the box. "Let's see what other surprises you were cooking up, brother." Edward laughed, loudly, and for a long time. It was a challenge, to whoever might hear it, to challenge his authority. For there was only one leader of the most powerful beings in the Basement.

And nobody, not even a small little skeleton, was going to take that from him.


Edward's laugh carried all the way through the Cavern City, over the Black Stone Fields, through the fog, and into a small cave filled with Drones. Wafting up the hatch, the laughter eventually carried itself into an office filled with empty desks and computers, and one small skeleton. The laugh was barely audible, but it was there. And there it remained for several minutes more before finally dying out.

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