When Nobody's Around...

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Disagreement and Telum sat in the living room, alone, watching TV. Will was visiting his fandom to see his sister, Order and Disorder were over at Epictale, Liam was exploring, and everyone else was sleeping. Except Legend. He went down to the basement with a TV for some reason...

Telum: Hey, whatcha wanna do today?

Disagreement: *Shrugs* I dunno. Wanna play something?

Telum: Sure! Like what?

Disagreement thought long and hard about this.

Disagreement: Hide and seek! Rogue's been teaching me new ways to hide! She's so cool!

Telum: Okay. Although, I can fit almost anywhere, so good luck finding me!

The two sat there quietly for a bit.

Telum: ...

Disagreement: ...

Telum: Who's gonna be the seeker?

Just then, Legend quietly opened the basement door, walked out, and closed it. Telum turned around, his ears trained to hear the tiniest of sounds.

Telum: Legend!

Legend: *Jumps* Ah! It wasn't me!

Disagreement: *Laughs* No, silly! We needed a third person to play hide and seek! Now you're the seeker!

Legend, of course, didn't care.

Legend: No. I'm busy.

Disagreement: No you aren't!

Legend: Now I am.

Legend started walking away, then Telum had an idea.

Telum: If you don't play, I'll tell Dad you were in the basement!

Legend stopped in his tracks, quickly turning around.

Legend: Alright, who's ready for some hide and seek?

Telum/Disagreement: Yay!!! *Runs and hides*

Legend counts to 10, and starts looking around. Rogue walked out of her room, and noticed Legend.

Rogue: What are you doing?

Legend: Being forced to play hide and seek. Any clue where Disagreement and Telum went?

Rogue: Nope! But I can give you a hint.

Legend: Gimme!

Rogue: *Leans in and whispers* Telum can teleport through the shadows and Disagreement can blend into them. Keep that in mind.

Legend: Okay...guess I've gotta check all the dark places.

Legend waved goodbye to Rogue, and walked away, in search of dark places.

Legend: (Wait...)

Legend stopped.

Legend: They wouldn't...right?

They totally would.


Telum and Disagreement were sitting in a room across from a person who looked like Legend, but with a different hairstyle and a red aesthetic. Telum tapped the ground, waiting to hear Legend yell that he gave up. Disagreement, however, kept an eye on the red-Legend. He gave her a bad feeling. His face looked like Legend's goop face, except his goop was a dark grey. She remembered Legend saying something about that meaning he was sick...she didn't like sick.

So, like any young child, she went up and poked him with a bone she summoned. Well, almost.

Legend slammed the door open, waking the red-Legend. Legend gave an apologetic smile to the red-Legend, and rushed Telum and Disagreement out of the basement. When they got up there, Legend turned and locked the basement door.

Legend: What were you two doing?!? You could've gotten yourselves killed!

Disagreement: Who was that red guy?

Legend tensed up, and his face fell.

Legend: Dont worry about him...I'm taking care of him. You didn't touch him, did you?

Telum and Disagreement both shake their heads. Legend breathed a sigh of relief, before sending the children to bed.

Legend: Remember, don't tell anybody about today, okay?

Telum: Hey, that rhymed!

Disagreement: Heheheheh...

What's happening in here? Aren't you two supposed to be in bed?

Telum: Yeah...sorry.

It's fine. Just don't let it happen again. Goodnight you two! *Teleports them into their rooms* ...Legend?

Legend: Yeah?

Bring me a Faded and a sample of Caretaker's goo. It's time I did some of my own experiments.

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