SBF Canon vs Fandom Canon

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In the SBF, Telum has the ability to control shadows. In his actual fandom, Little Nightmares, he does not. He is also not obsessed with Kit-Kats

Milo (The Experiment)

In the SBF, Milo climbs on the walls and ceiling, can make various animal sounds, and has the capability of acting somewhat intelligent. In his fandom, Dead by Daylight, he cannot do any of these things. He is simply a canine-human hybrid. No other animal DNA.

Steven Beck and Little Alice

In the SBF, Steven and Alice constantly steal food from the other people I'm their household. In their fandom, Bendy and the Ink Machine, they do not do this. Of course, all that's available for them to eat is Bacon Soup there, so it's not like there's anything they'd wanna steal.


In the SBF, Will freely changez between how he wants to look. In his fandom, Five Nights at Freddy's, he can only switch between his Scrap and Wire forms.


In the SBF, Charlie can separate her consciousness from Will and insert it into another, smaller anumatronic they have. In her fandom, Five Nights at Freddy's, she acts more like a virus for Will to use, corrupting electronics and giving him access to secure places.

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