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Killcode woke up to the sound of alarm bells in her head, as she usually did.

Guess it's 5 AM...

Sitting up, she looked around expecting to see Diagnostic in some absurd sleeping position as she usually did, before her reality sunk in.

Oh yeah...fuck.

Killcode dusted herself off and slowly stood up, her bo staff still serving as a crutch. She opened her door and walked down the hallway, sifting through her messages.

"Let’s see...'Tips and Tricks for Hatchling Care'? 'How to Prepare Cooked Cavern Wall'? The hell are these?" Then she noticed the message from yesterday. "Antivirus...? Who the heck is that?" Killcode opened the message to inspect it for any malware. She didn't find any so she decided to read the message.

Antivirus: Who are you? Haven't ever seen someone appear in my Network before.

Killcode decided to humor them.

Killcode: My name's Killcode. Who are you?

Antivirus: ...How do I know you're not one of those THINGS trying to trick me?

Killcode rolled her eyes. She'd reached the central room with the door they'd entered through last night and was sitting in a chair.

Killcode: I could say the same for you.

Killcode had a funny picture of whoever this was rolling their eyes on the other side. She pulled up another User Interface to her side and was currently trying to find the location of who she was speaking with.

Antivirus: Very funny. Well if you must know, I'm the Forgotten's Medic.

Killcode tilted her head. Medic? Where was this "Medic" when she was clearly injured with the others last night?

Then WF walked into the room holding a bowl of cereal, his eye glowing green. When he spoke it was with a British accent, so this must be Edward. "Oh. I didn't expect you to be awake so soon, Killcode."

Killcode shrugged. "I'm used to getting up this early to train."

Edward raised an eyebrow. "Train for what?"

Killcode shrugged. "Whatever I felt like. Mostly combat training."

Edward nodded and took a bite of his cereal. "Well, could I get you something to eat? Surely you must be starving after your ordeal last night."

Killcode shrugged him off. "Nah, it wasn't that bad. Not the first time I've nearly been eaten. Hopefully won't be the last." Killcode smirked. As terrified as she'd been, God what an adrenaline rush it had been. Only her brother knew she was an adrenaline junkie, which just served to give him more concern.

Edward gave her an odd look, but didn't question any further. "Well, uh, if I can get you anything just let me know. Will should be awake in an hour or two."

Killcode nodded and went back to their messaging, still trying to pinpoint their location.

Killcode: Funny, I could have used a medic last night XD

Antivirus: Oh dear, I'm so sorry. I was preoccupied with another patient elsewhere.

Killcode: Eh, it's fine. Been hurt worse.

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