
  [2010.1.16 I told myself that this would not be the straw that broke the camel's back, but I never thought that the person I loved so deeply would use such dirty language to describe me. 】

  【2010.3.11 I lied to Yu Yu and told her that everything was fine with me. But I had grown so disgusted with myself and my name. 】

  [2010.4.24 "Disgusting", he responded to my call for help with these two words. 】

  【2010.4.25 I used to be surrounded by many people talking about love, but now I know that no one has ever loved me. 】

  【2010.4.26 Sorry, sorry. 】


  A tear fell on the yellowed paper.

  Qin Yu Jue lowered his eyes, rubbed the tip of her nose, and closed the diary.

  "Are you thinking about your sister again?"

      Mother Qin's gentle voice came from behind.

  Qin Yu Jue tilted her head and smiled: "No, just take a look."

  "I was worried before, but after a long time, I figured it out."

     Mother Qin sighed, calmly stretched out her hand to take the diary, and then put it on the bookshelf, "Others don't know, but we believe That's all she needs."

  In 2010, the Internet was not yet developed.

  All entertainment gossip is covered by various well-known newspapers and periodicals.

  When Qin  Jie Li was in the limelight, a well-known newspaper published gossip information about her being kept, and included several photos taken from extremely tricky angles.

  There were overwhelming notices accusing her of misconduct, and there were even many indecent pictures synthesized by Photoshop.

  In that era , rumors were always more influential than clarifications.

  Qin Jie Li was only twenty years old at that time and was still a little girl.

  In the end, she couldn't bear the pressure and chose to commit suicide.


  Who is the X in Qin Jie Li's diary?

  Why would such a person who was deeply loved by her sister respond to her last plea for help with the word "disgusting"?

  How desperate her sister must have been at that time.


  After celebrating her mother's birthday, Qin Yu Jue's plan was to stay in Luchuan City for one more day and then return to Tong City to continue preparations for the variety show.

  But that night, she received a message.

  From an old monitor in her sophomore year of high school——

  Monitor: [Xiao Qin, it's like this. I heard someone said that you have returned to Liuchuan City these days. I wonder if you are free to visit the class teacher with us tomorrow? He had an operation some time ago for a heart problem and is still hospitalized. Although you left in your second year of high school, he has always missed you. 】

  Qin Yu Jue thought for a while.

  Although she only studied in that school for two years, she still has a deep impression on this class teacher, and she still has some affection for him.

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