Battery reached up and used his sleeve to wipe at his bloody face as he breathed heavily. "You know, you're not too bad. Shame you picked the side of evil."

"Ah, is this the part where the old man tries to lecture me about how I can be better? I'll pass." Green Wolf wrapped his fingers around large claymore, that appeared out of nowhere and he swung out, attempting to slice Battery in two. Battery held his hand out, forming a golden shield which blocked the sword; with his other hand, he blasted out dozens of golden beams, doing what he had seen Hope do. He caused the beams to erupt into smaller beams.

Twelve lasers smashed into Green Wolf, and the man screamed in pain as smoke began to roll off of his body, his flesh sparking with enough energy to show off his bones. The villain fell to his knees, breathing heavily. "Damn it. The only reason you're doing so well is because you can bypass my Kinetic absorption with your own energy. If not for that, you'd be dead you know."

"Wasn't it you who complained that the rules were too easy? Or is it that now that you're actually struggling, you hate it? I don't think you want a hard game or an easy game. You want something that will barely challenge you, but you can still overcome it, right?" Battery taunted.

Green Wolf forced himself to stand back up. "You're starting to really piss me off, you know. I murdered Green Tiger for this position, I fought Polaron to a standstill to earn my ranking, I survived going toe to toe with the Victorian to show that I'm top dog." The claymore vanished replaced by a new sword. One that caused a pain to shoot through Battery's chest when he saw it. A white blade which swirled with hundreds of runes. "Let's see how you- Ah. Never mind. Looks like you've reached your limit."

Battery was forced to kneel as he caught his breath. He placed his hand over his heartbeat, feeling it slowly turn into a painful melody. All this fighting was starting to get to him. And even if he didn't bleed like a normal Super his body still had dozens of holes in it. Just seeing that sword was enough to make him recall the bad days. The pain grew worse, and he could feel the shard of metal inside of him burning and going deeper into his chest.

The sword vanished. The villain could tell he didn't need to bring a weapon that powerful out. Not right now. He picked up one of his many knives and played with the blade before pointing it towards Battery's neck. "Any last words?" Green Wolf asked.

Battery looked at the blood on his hands. "Enemy of Man."

"What?" Green Wolf frowned and rested his sword down. "The hell does that mean?"

Battery ignored him as he thought back to what Nick had said. He had been on the beach practicing his lasers as he caught his breath. He watched as the wave fell after he split it in half with his golden energy. "It's not enough. I'm not as strong as I was back then." He grumbled.

Nick rested on the roof of the car, dressed in his old uniform he had worn when he worked for the Hero Branch. He stared down at the device he used to scan Jack. "Yeah, you're a ton weaker than you were in your prime. Really let yourself go."

Jack clenched his hand into a fist, watching the golden lightning. "It's this damn energy. It's not mine." The shard in his chest ached. The one that gave him the golden light he constantly used. "I'm just using a small bit of her power and trying to make it my own. Only the scraps that I can borrow thanks to the little gift she left me inside of my heart. You think if I used my-"

"No! No, no, no, no!" Nick jumped to his feet, shaking his head. "Fifteen years ago the Victorian accidentally stabbed you with a fraction of her power. That shard within you is what gives you her energy. It doesn't like you and wants you dead. Use your own energy and that thing will go off for sure sooner or late. Your heart wouldn't just explode you'd be a walking bomb!"

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