Part 6

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You were minding you business it had been four days since those people had arrived at the island and you felt quite safe. Until you heard the undeniable sounds of boat motors, did some of your country neighbors, people get lost at sea again? No, it wasn't them because when you went to look, you saw not the normal boat but something that made all of your senses tell you to run and hide.

So that is what you did. You ran warning your people of the upcoming danger along the way. You ended up at the waterfall looking for any underwater cave system that would be easy to access waiting until you heard the calls of the people on the boat and at that you jumped into the water swimming to the cave system that was to your liking.

You sat under the water and watched as people in weird clothes came stomping to your secluded area. You could feel the vibrations of their heavy steps as you were beginning to question how long they were going to take to search the waterfall. Your answer was answered shortly after as you felt yourself slowly running out of oxygen, your lungs burning as you struggled to stay conscious.

At that, you propelled your body out of the water as you refused to die at that moment. The people hearing the splashing of water and turning around seeing a goddess with wings exit the water.

Was that the crazy tribal lady? The question was quickly answered when a blade came from the woman and entered the generals eye. He cussed and commanded his army to restrain you. That wasn't going to be as easy as it was said. You bolted out if they're climbing up one of the trees and going completely still, hoping they would walk under you and leave.

That was not the case, though one of the people seeing you and shooting their gun right at your wing this caused you to fall out of the tree onto some unsuspecting men crushing them probably breaking some ribs.

One of the people grabbed your injured wing and pinned you down tranquilizing you and dragging you across the rocky and snady terrain bringing you with them to their boat locking you in a room as you woke up from the tranquilizers you screamed and banged on the thick metal door causing some evident dents in the door.

As the boat arrived at the harbor while some of the counties were arriving, some of them got curious and walked over to the boat you were being held on as they heard the screaming and banging on the metal door seeing it dent before there eyes. Whoever was behind that door was not happy with their situation.

They were told to stand back, as some of the soldiers prepared to open the only door containing this thing. As the door opened in a flash, the thing was out pinning down the general and plunging their hand into the generals eye socket.

The general screamed in pain as the person was ripped away from him, finally getting to see the thing the soldiers were containing they were surprised when instead of being greeted with the face of a monster, they were greeted with the face of a goddess.

She looked at them in the eyes, all of them taking a step back out of fear You made eye contact with the countries until the soldiers decided to try and restrain putting pressure on your injured wing, causing you to start attacking them again.

At that, they saw you yet again at the meeting, but nobody brought it up the sight of your bloody hand still fresh in their memory.

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